Author has written 1 story for Twilight. Well I’m a thirty-something single woman, my haven is in the world of books, DVD series and movies. I’ve been a fan of the Lord of the Rings trilogy since I was 6 or 7, and I started to warm to the feeling of books since I was 2 or 3 (at least that what I was told) and I started actually reading since I was 5. I was always interesfted in the Supernatural and Science Fiction sagas. Upon the releases of the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter Movies, I was hooked! I read the books, checked the websites for updates and attended the launch of each of the recent books. As for the Twilight saga, they were introduced to me by my youngest sister (by the way I have 3 sisters) who has almost the same taste to things I have. When I had seed her reaction to the books and how addicted she was to them, she got me curious!. So, she got me to start on the books… and now she can't get me off of them :D So, here I am... an addict to the Twilight fandom fictions lol, an addiction which I can't seem to get enough of! I had started checking the fan fictions all around the forums and communities and they so damn amazing! I can say that i had read more than 500 fictions... and that's being modest.. my favourites list doesn't even include half of what I have read! I am in love with all kinds of Edward... but mostly Dark Dominant Obsessive Jealous and Bad Ass Edward, basically all the Evil ones lol although I can't resist him when he's all sweet and so damn gentleman! lol see... i know I'm being a bi-polar here, but when it's related to Edward, I just can't seem to help it! I started one story to see how it goes and... apparently, I've done well! Believe it or not my story, You Don't Know Anything, has been nominated for the Razzle Dazzle Awards for Best 'All Human' Story category... and I'm truely honored for this... it's an amazing feeling and I appreciate all the support I got from the amazing readers and reviewers! Voting started on Jun 30th... please, vote for me... _ http://razzledazzleawards(dot)webs(dot)com/ An update on the awards... well.. You Don't Know Anything... hasn't won :( but it was all good :) an amazing story had won and I know I hadn't a chance to win once that was on.. I mean who would go up for nomination when there is Wide Awake being nominated against you.. so I'm happy with the nomination :) OMG! You Don't Know Anything has been nominated for the Silent Tear Award for Best Edward & Bella category… so, I want to thank each and every one of you who had thought of nominating this story :) you are totally awesome! The link Also.. there is a Twilighted thread for my story on the Twilighted Forums... /forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=5830 and since I'm new to this.. feel free to PM me on what you'd like to see at the threads and all :) A banner! A lovely fan of this story (RoseArcadia) has created a banner for You Don't Know Anything... and it's amazing! Check it out... http://i29(dot)tinypic(dot)com/25a0ttv.jpg it's posted on the forum as well :) thanks Rosie... you are so sweet! You Don't Know Anything is nominated for 3 Giggle/ Snort Awards... nominations end on July 2nd :) please help my story win... The link Finally... I had helped and am still helping a few sweet ladies by being their betas :), here are the stories I had helped with... 1. Stories by CullensFTW (the writer had quit writing sometime ago) Fear is the Heart of Love Kiss The Rain River Flows in You 2. Stories by kuntrygal People Change Love Hurts Taboo Dr Hot Bitch It's A Small World 3. Stories by Cydryna Marie Little Black Dress (A few chapters) Work Hard Break Easy (A few chapters) 4. Stories by faerie kitten (she's a published writer now) :) The Last of My Kind Taking Chances (Sequel to The Last of My Kind) It Ends Tonight (Sequel to Taking Chances) 5. Stories by newyorknewyork1022 Bittersweet Shotgun Wedding 6. Stories by Breath-of-Twilight Desolation Somewhere Between Life and Death A New Love Beautiful liaisons The Abandoned Mansion Distorted Reality 7. Story by Jewels64 Freeze Frame Shipwrecked 8. Story by xtaintedsongx Shattered 9. Story by Mrs. EdwardxoxoxoCullen If You Just Realize 10. Story by DawnVisions Never Letting You Go 11. Stories by Dontrun Homecoming Day Emmett Had Enough Prodigal Returns To The Extreme 12. Story by CitizenCullen25 Sweet Treats and Deadbeats (1st chapter) Lullaby and Goodnight: The Sleep Stalker (a few chapters) 13. Story by chevelia The Gambler 14. Story by Totteacher Captive I'm always interested in reading new Fictions and betaing them ;) please PM me if you'd like some help :) Also, if you'd like to follow me on my twitter account I leave teasers ;) it's... @TwiDi525 |