Author has written 65 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Discworld, NCIS, Now and Again, Star Wars, Smallville, Leverage, Without a Trace, Angel, James Bond, Man From UNCLE, White Collar, Harry Potter, Sherlock, and Captain America. 20/09/2021 DO NOT DOWNLOAD MY FICS FOR ARCHIVING AT AO3 I WILL DO IT MYSELF.
Ok, so I know that The Off-World Job has been a little slow. Life has been a little hectic at this end, but also my beta has almost finished with my NaNo fic. All I need to do is go through it and then there will be a chapter every couple of days for that, because I'd like to get it up because it's finished. In the meantime, I will be attempting to get the next bit of the Leverage fic to join on to where I left off, and there should be further Leverage in short order after the NaNo fic is done. 18/12/2008 :tears hair: What in the name of all that's holy are people doing to the English language?? Their is the posessive, there is positional and they're is the state of being. Why is it so hard to tell the difference between its and it's? Or your, yore and you're? And please, please stop asking people to bare with you. No, we are not going skinny dipping. This is not the word you're looking for. Also, what the heck is with the crowd saying "If you think #this# you've got another thing coming?" The heck, people? You're good writers normally! It's think! You've got another think coming! Like "Think again." Here, let me show you: If you think the right word in the next part of this sentence is "thing", you've got another think coming. If it's frustrating you too, copy and paste the above text into your profile, huh? Maybe we can get the message across by weight of numbers... It never happened, then suddenly overnight, everybody's doing it. Some of you write beautifully, and then you go and do that and it just throws me right out of the fic and I can't bring myself to go back. On a lighter note, I like crossovers - particularly those written by Vathara. (What're you still doing here? That was a rec. Go read her stuff. Especially the Urban Legends universe.) I'm also partial to yaoi, but can't seem to write it. I refuse to use the work sucks in relation to my writing of yaoi, because that would just be obscene. Also, it made me giggle for longer than Skippy's list allows. If you haven't read either 213 Things Skippy is no longer allowed to do, or the Evil Overlord List, go do so. Do not take potables with you to do so. If you do take potables with you, I hereby absolve myself from blame for the state of your keyboard. Also on my list of likes are (in no particular order) Gundam Wing, FAKE, Petshop of Horrors, Yellow, Antique Bakery, Chobits, Rurouni Kenshin, Terry Pratchett, Diana Gabaldon, The Goons, Monty Python, Stargate, St Trinians, War Poetry (Beaucourt Revisited is BEAUTIFUL. It can be found in the Dragon Book of Verse. I challenge you to read it without sobbing like a baby.), Alexander the Great (not the poncy camp-fest movie. The real guy who conquered 2 million (or so) square miles of territory in an era before people travelled more than a few miles from their own door. The man's empire stretched from Greece and Syria to the river Indus in India. All this before he was 33. He died about a month short of his 33rd birthday on June 10th 323 BC.), Star Wars (only the originals!), Edward Lear, Robin Hobb, Cadfael, Elizabeth Haydon, Life on Mars, Tamora Pierce and did I mention Terry Pratchett? Others will get added as I think of them... |