Author has written 127 stories for House, M.D., NCIS, Harry Potter, Wicked, Glee, and Anne of Green Gables series. BASIC FACTS: NAME: Vinkunwildflowerqueen (went by "phoenixgirl23" until 2011) AGE: 30s FROM: Australia CONTACT ME: You can PM me through this site or one of the following forms of social media: Tumblr: vinkunwildflowerqueenupdates is specifically for updates on my writing ABOUT MY PEN NAME: I wrote a joke about someone drunkenly referring to another character as their "vinkun wildflower" (see Far Longer Than Forever and The planting of seeds for more details). It became a thing. ABOUT MY WRITING: I don't post any fics on this site until I've finished them, and I update every 3 days.
ABOUT WICKED AND I: I saw it the first time on 2 June 2010 and have never looked back. The musical is such a huge part of me. I have read the first two books in the series by Maguire, but don't really care for them. As of August 2024, I have seen Wicked 40 times. (x33 professional production shows, x6 non-professional production/community theatre shows, 1x high school production) Sydney, Australia- June 2010, August 2010, September 2014, October 2014, November 2014 (3 shows), January 2015 (2 shows), September 2023 (2 shows), October 2023, November 2023, December 2023 Brisbane, Australia- March 2011, April 2015 Perth, Australia- August 2011, June 2015 Singapore- April 2012 (3 shows) Auckland, New Zealand- October 2013 (2 shows) Melbourne, Australia- May 2014 (4 shows), June 2014, July 2014 (3 shows), July 2024 Canberra, Australia- October 2016 (2 shows- a community theatre production), May 2019 (high school production) Wollongong, Australia- August 2017 (community theatre production) New York (Broadway!)- October 2017 Wagga Wagga, Australia- November 2017 (community theatre production) Gold Coast, Australia- July 2019 (non-professional production) Nowra, Australia- July 2019 (community theatre production) AWARDS: House/Cameron LiveJournal Awards 2010: 1st place- Best Established Relationship Fic (WOMAN). Fifth Annual Wicked Awards 2011: 1st place- Best Author, Best Romance Author, Best Angst Fic (GET IT RIGHT), and Best AU Fic (ONE NIGHT WITH THE KING). 2nd place- Best Fiyeraba Fic (ONE NIGHT WITH THE KING) and Best Overall Fic (MAY I NOT LOSE YOU). 3rd place- Best Fiyeraba (TAKING CHANCES and FAR LONGER THAN FOREVER) and Best Overall Fic (TAKING CHANCES). Sixth Annual Wicked Awards 2012: 1st Place- Best Author, Best Romance Author, Best AU (OUT OF THE BLUE), Best Drabble/One Shot (PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE), Best General (YOU'VE GOT MAIL), and Best Overall Fic (YOU'VE GOT MAIL). Seventh Annual Wicked Awards 2013: 1st place- Best Author, Best Romance Author, Best Drabble/One Shot (SAVIOUR), Best Original Character ("Kastle" from OUT OF THE BLUE) 2nd place- Best General (40 WEEKS), Best Original Character ("Michi" from COME WHAT MAY) 3rd place- Best Oneshot Author, Best General (OUT OF THE BLUE). Eighth Annual Wicked Awards 2014: 1st place- Best Romance Author (equal first), Best Angst (GHOST OF KIAMO KO), Best AU (GHOST OF KIAMO KO), Most Humorous (DON'T TELL THE BRIDE), 2nd place- Best Author (equal second), Best Original Character ("Corin" from DON'T TELL THE BRIDE- equal second), 3rd place- Most Humorous Author (equal third), Best AU (SINS OF THE FATHER), Best Overall Fic (SINS OF THE FATHER- equal third) Ninth Annual Wicked Awards 2015: 1st place- Best Oneshot Author, Best Other Pairing (Frex/Annalie from LIFE'S EPOCHS), Best Songfic (WHAT I NEVER KNEW I ALWAYS WANTED), Best Original Character ("[Sassy Gay] Julyan" from THE RIGHT THING TO DO) 2nd place- Best Author, Best Romance Author, Best Drabble/Oneshot (SUMMER RAIN), Best Overall Fic (THE MOST CONVENIENT DEFINITIONS) 3rd place- Best Angst (THE RIGHT THING TO DO), Best AU (LIFE'S EPOCHS), Best Drabble/Oneshot (HIRAETH and THE PARTY) Tenth Annual Wicked Awards 2016: 1st place- Best Angst (A FRACTURED FAIRYTALE), Best Drabble/Oneshot (SAVE MY SOUL), Most Humorous (SAVE MY SOUL), 2nd place- Best Author, Best Oneshot Author (equal second), Most Humorous Author, Best Romance Author, Best General (FRACTURED FAIRYTALE), Best Original Character ("Arora" from LONG TIME COMING), Best Overall Fic (tie between LONG TIME COMING, A FRACTURED FAIRYTALE and SAVE MY SOUL) 3rd place- Most Humorous (FAMILY TIES), Best Fiyeraba (LONG TIME COMING), Best Original Character ("Kasmira" from LONG TIME COMING) Eleventh Annual Wicked Awards 2017: 1st Place- Best Author, Best Oneshot Author, Most Humorous Author, Best Romance Author, Best Angst (AFTER FOREVER), Best Drabble/Oneshot (WHAT'S IN A NAME?), Most Humorous (THE GOVERNOR'S GAMBIT), Best Fiyeraba (AFTER FOREVER), Best Original Character ("Kalhey" from AFTER FOREVER), Best Overall Fic (AFTER FOREVER) 2nd Place- Best Original Character ("Kasmira" from THE GOVERNOR'S GAMBIT) 3rd Place- Best Original Character ("Ibrahim" from THE GOVERNOR'S GAMBIT) Twelfth Annual Wicked Awards 2018: 1st Place- Best Author (equal first), Best Oneshot Author, Best Romance Author (equal first), Best AU (UNTIL THE END OF TIME), Best Drabble/Oneshot (WILDEST DREAMS) (equal first), Best Fiyeraba (UNTIL THE END OF TIME) (equal first), Best Other Pairing (Frex and Annalie from UNTIL THE END OF TIME), Best Overall Fic (UNTIL THE END OF TIME) 2nd Place- Most Humorous Author, Best Overall Fic (THE GOVERNOR'S GAMBIT) 3rd Place- Best General (THE NEXT BEST THING and UNTIL THE END OF TIME), Best Fiyeraba (WILDEST DREAMS) Thirteenth Annual Wicked Awards 2019: 1st Place- Best Romance Author, Best Other Pairing (Frex and Annalie from LIFE'S EPOCHS: HOPES, FEARS AND TEARS), Best Original Character ("Tomaz" from LIFE'S EPOCHS: HOPES, FEARS AND TEARS), 2nd Place- Best Author, Best Drabble/Oneshot (EXHALE), Best General (LIFE'S EPOCHS: HOPES, FEARS AND TEARS), Best Fiyeraba (LIFE'S EPOCHS: HOPES, FEARS AND TEARS), Best Original Character ("Blaze" from LIFE'S EPOCHS: HOPES, FEARS AND TEARS), Best Overall Fic (LIFE'S EPOCHS: HOPES, FEARS AND TEARS) Fourteenth Annual Wicked Awards 2020: 1st Place- Best Author, Most Humorous Author, Best Drabble/Oneshot (REST IN PEACE) 2nd Place- Best Oneshot Author, Best General (ON A NIGHT LIKE THIS), Best Fiyeraba (THE LENROSIS PROPHECY), Most Humorous (REALITY BITES) 3rd Place- Best Romance Author Fifteenth Annual Wicked Awards 2021: 1st Place- Best Oneshot Author, Best Fiyeraba (DO THE WORK), Best Overall Fic (TIL DEATH DO US PART) 2nd Place- Best Romance Author, Best Drabble/Oneshot (THIS IS HOW THE STORY ENDS), Best Fiyeraba (PEACE), Best Overall Fic (DO THE WORK) 3rd Place- Best Author Sixteenth Annual Wicked Awards 2022: 1st Place- Best Author, Best Romance Author, Best Drabble/Oneshot (HAUNTING YOU) (equal first), Best General (WHAT'S AN 8-LETTER WORD FOR 'LOVE'?), Best Fiyeraba (THEY DON'T SEE (THE PARTS OF YOU THAT MAKE ME WANT TO STICK AROUND)), Best Overall Fic (WHAT'S AN 8-LETTER WORD FOR 'LOVE'?) (equal first). 3rd Place- Best General (IN YOUR EYES) (equal third), Best Overall Fic (IN YOUR EYES) |
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