![]() Author has written 319 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Harry Potter, Prison Break, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Dark Angel, Smallville, Days of Our Lives, Buffy X-overs, Supernatural, That '70s Show, Moonlight, Veronica Mars, Lost, Speed Racer, Skulls, Criminal Minds, Batman, From Dusk Till Dawn, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Glee, Law and Order, Pretender, NCIS, Vampire Diaries, 7th Heaven, Rookie Blue, Heroes, Misc. Movies, Human Target, Off the Map, Resident Evil series, Reaper, Red Riding Hood, 2011, Christy, Good Wife, True Blood, House of Night, Pan Am, and Justified. 1st Place WINNER of Energize W.I.P. Award: Most Promising TRUE BLOOD Fanfiction, for my story, "Burn Out the Sun". Thanks for the votes!! It's been 3 years since I last updated my profile, which unfortunately should tell you how lax I've been in updating. The last time I updated anything on here, I was busting my hump at my local Library trying to get promoted to Full Time Programmer. Well, I got promoted in April of 2015, and ever since it's been a constant struggle (not in an altogether bad way) to do everything I'd like to do at my job. I love my job - where else can you lead a Zombie Walk/Annihilation Squad death battle one weekend, and hold a festival for arts and culture the next? Unfortunately, again, this gives me very little time for writing. So many of my fics have been left unfinished, in limbo, waiting for a new chapter that may never come. I hate that. I hate leaving things unfinished. I will say that my top priorities are Burn Out the Sun and Finding Home, as they are, in one way or another, parts of my largest works of fiction. Longer than my actual original novel. Please be patient, but as someone who hates getting to the end point of an unfinished fic, I will understand if you want to throw virtual fruit at me. On a lighter note, I created a Redbubble account earlier this year, if you wanted to check it out, that would be awesome. Facts about me and my stories: 1) I’m not a fan of pointless reviews: such as, complaining about the pairing. If you don’t like the pairing, don’t click on the story, as I define the pairing in the summary. Telling me what you think could be better is always welcome, but if you’re just reviewing to bitch about something irrelevant, don’t bother. Also, telling me that you have no feelings about the fic one way or the other is yet another pointless review … why even bother? I respect my readers and reviewers, and appreciate the same treatment in return. 2) I do not accept reviewer harassment. It has come to my attention that some of my reviewers have been harassed for comments that they have left on my stories. It is the mark of a poor author to ream someone out for leaving a positive review on someone else’s story. If you have reviewed a story of mine and received harassment from other writers, report and block them. It is unacceptable, and not something anyone should have to tolerate. 3) I can only write what I’m inspired to write, otherwise I end up writing something crappy just to get it done, and that’s no fun. And because I have ADHD - which I love, and do not view as a disorder - I tend to move on pretty quickly. So, some of my stories might not get an update for a while, but don’t worry. They’ve just been pushed back, not forgotten. 4) I don’t limit myself to one fandom. I love many shows, movies, and books, and if I have an idea for a story for any of them, I have to get it down, or it will drive me bonkers. My Favorite Pairings are: Erik/Sookie, Hermione/Severus, Bellamy/Clarke, Hannibal/Will, Cordelia/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Sylar/Claire, Carter/O'Neill, Mulder/Scully, Joey/Pacey, Rory/Jess, (I'm sure there are more, but this will do for now. Favorite quotes: Oz: "All monkeys are French." - Buffy the Vampire Slayer John: "I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you speak, but it's usually subtext." - Sherlock Eric: "You're going to invite me in so I can protect you. Or have passionate, primal sex with you. ... How about both?" - True Blood Dean: "You know what, Cas? Blow me!" - Supernatural Xander: "To read makes our speaking English good." - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Rodney: "Gluteuth Maxthimuth. Glututh Maxthmuth. Wait … that’s my ath!" - Stargate: Atlantis Phoebe: "Your tombstone can say whatever you want. Mine will say: Phoebe Buffet, buried alive." - Friends Veronica: "Let me guess, the pin-the-penis-on-the-fireman game ended in tears?" - Veronica Mars Hurley: "Life’s not so bad, right? I mean, sure, the Others are coming, to like, eat us all, and every once in a while, someone blows up all over you, but you get to sleep in every morning." - Lost Locke: "Was he talking about what I think he was talking about?" Ben: "If you mean time-traveling bunnies, then yes." - Lost Hiro: "You’re telling us your plan? What kind of overconfident nemesis are you?" - Heroes Sylar: "Ooh, cake!" - Heroes If you secretly hoped to get a letter from Hogwarts when you were eleven, put this in your profile. |
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