Author has written 40 stories for Harry Potter, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Batman, Sherlock Holmes, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Sherlock, and Doctor Who. Hello. I'm very pleased to be here - I've been reading fanfiction for many years, and I'm glad to contribute a few stories of my own, finally. I hope that you will glance over my 'favorite stories' recommendations before you leave, since there are so many wonderful stories out there! It was a pleasure to make a list of some of the ones that have really impressed me, and I have enjoyed stories in many fandoms for which I have never written myself. My tastes run the gamut, but I would sum them up as follows: Harry Potter (Snape-centric, Snape/Lily, and Lupin) Sherlock Holmes (Watson-centric, emphasizing friendship more than the mysteries) Discworld (Vetinari) Star Wars (Anakin, Vader) The Man From UNCLE (Illya-centric, but you really need them both!) Firefly (Simon-centric, especially stories about his relationship with his sister, River) Batman (I love Dick Grayson, who was Robin #1 and is now Nightwing) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Spike, Spuffy) Highlander (Methos) Babylon 5 (Lennier) Battlestar Galactica (Kara/Lee) House (Wilson is fun) Doctor Who (I'm a fan of both old and new Who, and have a secret fondness for 4th Doctor & Sarah stories) I have recommended stories for many of these fandoms, though not all, and I'm always on the look-out for more. I hope you enjoy everything! |