Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hello! I’m Gladoo89, I’m a Frenchwoman and I'm currently 31. As you can guess, I love to read fanfictions, mostly about Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. I also like others fandoms (A Song of Ice and Fire, The Avengers, Naruto, Doctor Who, etc.), and the fanfics I like the most are crossovers. Mainly HP crossovers. I guess it’s because I’ll never tire of the HP universe. So you’ll see a lot of crossovers in my favourite stories! I don't mind romance in general, but I prefer when it serves a plot. IMHO there are too much romance fanfictions out there... and which the biggest part are slash stories. Now I do like a good slash fic from time to time, but finding only slash (and romance) stories in a fandom is quite exasperating. (The Hobbit fandom, yes, I’m looking at you!) I don’t write fanfiction, I’m just here as a reader, a translator and sometimes a beta-reader for French fanfictions. I’m currently finishing the translation in French of the wonderful story of Dragongirl16, Secrets and Second Chances (the sequel of The Road Not Taken) and will soon translate a completely new HP fanfiction. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AN IMPORTANT POINT. IMHO, it’s very important to leave reviews when I read a fanfiction. Even if it’s not very constructive and that I review just to say that I like a lot the new update, I feel like it’s disrespecting the authors who sweat over their stories to let them in the dark about how I feel about their work. They deserve to know that readers are not just lurkers, ready to follow a story but not review it. While reading a story on FFnet, we can now (since 2010) see the number of followers and of favs. I got quite a shock when I saw that some stories had like 30 reviews for 10 chapters, with 60 favs and 100 followers. Every follower could at last review one chapter, seriously… At the other end, I also LOVE getting a message from an author that takes the time to answer my review. There is no “line” between the authors and the readers on this site; we got the chance to be able to communicate. That’s something great that’s not possible with published writers, we should take this chance! :) *end of rant* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Snape in LOTR Universe Challenge: I first posted this challenge in 2011 on my profile, and it seems nobody is interested in it… I fear I’ll have to try my hand at it one day! ;) Everything is explained in the title: – It’s a HP/LOTR (or Hobbit) Crossover where Severus Snape must go to Middle-Earth – You can choose why and how (after his death in the DH, whisked away by the Fates/Valars, while making a potion, etc.), but I would prefer if he hadn’t a choice and didn’t know where he was going – Severus Snape can be accompanied by Harry or Draco, willingly or not (or he can be alone) – If you plan on writing a romance, and more specifically a slash, it must be realistic enough (I think homosexuality isn’t well known or even known at all in ME). And maybe I ask too much for it not to involve any elf… If you want to answer this Challenge, please send me a PM! ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The credits of my profile picture go to Hisaya Nakajo, the author of the manga Hana-Kimi. It’s a little sketch of Legolas that the mangaka made at the end of an Author Note in one of the volumes. Salut ! Je suis Gladoo89 et je viens de fêter mes 31 ans (et oui, j’aime bien mettre à jour mon profil à ce moment-là, allez savoir pourquoi !). Pour faire court (plus court que ma présentation en anglais en tout cas…), je suis une avide lectrice de fanfiction depuis 2007, surtout des fanfictions d’Harry Potter et du Seigneur des Anneaux. Je ne suis pas ici en tant qu’auteure de fanfiction mais lectrice, traductrice et parfois bêta-lectrice. Je suis actuellement en train de traduire en français Secrets et secondes chances, la suite de la fanfiction Une autre route à prendre (The Road Not Taken) de Dragongirl16. Une fois celle-ci terminée, je m’attellerai à la traduction d'une autre fanfiction du fandom d'Harry Potter, mais dans un autre genre. Vous remarquerez sûrement, si vous parcourez ma liste de fanfictions favorites, que 85 % d’entre elles sont des fanfictions anglaises. Que voulez-vous, je n’y peux rien si je trouve la majeure partie des fanfics anglaises mieux menées que les françaises… Ce qui est très certainement un préjugé de ma part, mais ça fait maintenant 10 ans que je ne lis quasiment qu’en anglais, donc c’est dur de perdre ses (mauvaises ?) habitudes. Voilà, cette présentation est courte mais je vous remercie si vous avez pris le temps de la lire ! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Pour information, l’image de mon profil ne m’appartient pas, il s’agit d’un dessin de Hisaya Nakajo, l’auteure du manga Hana Kimi (Parmi Eux). |
Aate (16) Aleycat4eva (5) hestiaA1 (9) | JadeSullivan (5) kbinnz (18) oliver.snape (22) | VictorianChik (56) |