Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. So you found my profile page… Well hello to you then! I’m Britael and this is my, very, delayed profile. I’m from Brasil. (Brazil to you guys) And, if you don’t already know, in Brasil we speak Portuguese. Not English. So, I’m really sorry for my many mistakes when writing in a foreigner, to me, language. That said, I’m a guy who likes reading, writing and video-game. Not exactly in that order. My favorite reading material would be Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire and historical romances. (I especially like Bernard Cornwell) Nothing against the movie and television version of the mentioned titles, but the books are so much better that there isn’t even a contest. Currently I’m working on a video-game fic named Harry Potter: The RPG. It is a re-do of canon with a game-character Harry playing by a RPG-like set of rules. Apparently the theme is very popular and lots of people are interested, so I’m happy enough. If, by any reason you arrived here because of my older work, the one written in Portuguese, I have bad news for you. Currently, all my old work is on hold. After writing a lot and having very few readers/reviewers I give up on trying to write fanfic on my native language. It simply lacks the number of readers to keep me interested. Maybe someday I’ll continue, or even translate it to English and keep adding stuff, but I won’t count on it. I’m currently thinking on starting a new fic. Most of them are from the Harry Potter franchise, some are cross-overs. I have lots of ideas but a few of them are persistent. I’ll write it down so you guys can know. If someone like any of them and is willing to co-write or maybe discuss a little better, let me know, I’ll happily hear you out! 1) An as of yet untitled sci-fy Harry Potter fanfic. The basic idea of this one is that our lead protagonist must rally magicals to save them. It’s a post-Hogwarts fic where JKR magic will blend with technology and in the end you’ll have wizards in space. It’s currently the story that I think about most, even more than HP: The RPG. I planned, on my mind, almost all the plot and many subplots. If I was not so lazy, or the video-games were not so alluring, I would probably have started with it already. 2) HP meets the Walking Dead: Also a post-Hogwarts fic where Harry meets Rick and gang just at the start of the first season of the TV series. I planned out several scenes already and I have a very firm grasp of where I want to go but other than that it’s pretty much on the development side of things. This would probably be rated M and have adult scenes. Other than that, I plan to address several of my pet peeves about the zombie show. This would be my Harry shots zombies with a gun fic. 3) Harry Potter and Fallout: New Vegas crossover. This one is much less developed than my others ideas, but I know exactly where I want the fic to go and have the initial scenes already on my mind, just waiting to be written. 4) A regular gamer in the ASOIAF (Game of Thrones people!). This is one is more of a crack-fic than anything else. On this one the idea was that the protagonist would be catapulted inside a Bethesda-like Game of Thrones as John Snow. A heavily moded version of a game would guarantee some bizarre occurrences. It would be heavily M. 5) A Fallout-Mass-Effect Crossover fic. On this one, our dear Mr. House & Co. would encounter the Mass-Effect aliens and try to out-play them economically. With superior tech but much inferior numbers the humans would have a long road to overcome. Different from the others, this one is still very undeveloped and I would probably need a very motivated collaborator to help this project to finally be published. 6) An occidental version of the Mahwa The Gamer. All my respect to Koreans, but I can’t understand your culture. As an occidental person, it’s very hard to keep up with all your ideas and behavior. I like The Gamer enough to read it, but most of the cultural references and lifestyle is completely lost on me. Bringing it to an occidental big city and place all the plot and characters on an occidental setting would be too great of an opportunity to let it go. As before, I would need a very motivated co-writer who knows The Gamer, live in a big occidental city and speak fluently English. 7) Any of my other previous fanfics. If someone wants to translate it to English, I would be willing to try to continue them. Not promising anything, it would depend on the amount of interest it would generate. Those are some of my ideas. If you like them let me know. If you want to discuss something with me, just PM me and I will surely answer. Hope you are enjoying my work. Cheers! |