Author has written 293 stories for Farscape, StarTrek: Enterprise, X-Men: The Movie, Ultimate Marvel, Marvel, Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, X-Men, Firefly, Stargate: SG-1, Justice League, Teen Titans, Batman, DC Superheroes, Superboy, Sandman, Smallville, Stargate: Atlantis, Doctor Who, CSI, Nightwing, Robin, Max Headroom, House, M.D., Valdemar universe, Eureka, Torchwood, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Blood Ties, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Law and Order, Misc. Tv Shows, West Wing, Misc. Books, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Leverage, Star Trek: 2009, Miles Vorkosigan, Smoke Trilogy, Black Jewels Trilogy, Sarah Jane Adventures, Sherlock, Thor, Avengers, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Sherlock Holmes. When asked to describe myself, I usually say I'm just another short bisexual feminist Jewish atheist anthropologist. That shuts people up pretty quickly. My other notable characteristics are a large amount of frizzy brown hair, a big attitude, and a big mouth that gets me in trouble on a semi-regular basis. I'm married to the greatest husband in the entire universe (hi Avi!) and we live quite contentedly not far outside of Washington, DC. Our first child was born in February of 2005 and we're really excited.Although I'm a lifelong science fiction fan, I only started writing fanfic in February of 2001. My Jules Verne stories were the first fiction I'd ever written, and as a consequence they're a bit uneven in quality. In addition to what you see below, I've also dived into a number of roundrobins. The X-Men Golden Goose Roundrobin can be found on Minisinoo's site . NB: This series won a 2002 Comic Book Fan Fiction Award for: BEST STORY/SERIES: ALTERNATE X. Congrats to my fellow authors! The Enterprise roundrobins can almost all be found at the Linguistics Database. In addition, three of those roundrobins can be found on this site: "Janus" and "Somewhere in the Night" are listed under my stories and "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Celluloid", posted by JosephineLL, isunder favorite stories. |
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