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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto. Age: 24 (My life is measured in decades. T.T) Birth: 12-19-89 Sex: Male. Height: 5'9" (I AM NOT SHORT) Interests: Naruto, RuneScape, ferrets, fencing, other assorted anime, and videogames. My Forums: http://www.fanfiction.net/myforums/Iron_Reprieve/1664403/ Other place(s): After five years of stalking this site; for it's wonderful stories, I've decided to toss my hat into the ring of fanfiction. If I break the creed below then may I be slapped by one thousand wet noodles. 0-0-0-0-0Teh Creed0-0-0-0-0 As an author of fanfiction; I hereby declare that any and all characters, environments, and concepts that do not belong to me, will be credited to whomever created the said creation. I also pledge that I will try to depict characters accurately, will cut back the use of OOCness, unless I give a specific reason for character change. Naruto will not ditch the orange, EVER. Finally I will not use YAOI(evil) in any shape, form or fashion. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 o-o-o-o-o-o\I/-o-o-o-o-o-o 1. Silent Jazz; you technically made the first NaruHoku fanfic, you've beaten me by nearly 3 years. I just wish you could finish it. (Well atleast mine will be a completed work. =p) 2. Menios Kaen; for making the first ever NaruSasa I have to tip my hat to you. (Still waiting for a sequel btw.) 3. Big Ba-bidi; amazingly you created a NaruHarem that involves all of the girls from the filler arcs, very well written and in character I might add. Well done. 4. Gomjibar22; dude you made the first NaruIsa on this site; while I do not read fics that involve Naruto being tested on, I am sure I am denying myself an excellent read. 5. Skelo; for creating the first known NaruYaku story you have my undying gratitude and envy.(I was planning to do her next, but I've got another idea.) I hope you do well with your story. 6. Anime Lover Dude; I thought I would be the first to write about a NaruAmaru pairing, I'm glad I was proven wrong. Can't wait to see more from you. :) 7. Daaman; for creating the UNHEARD of NaruAmi pairing you made the list, welcome to the club. 8. Raptorcloak; you've more than earned a spot here. In particular, for your work with NaruHotaru. 9. DarkChild316; since you did write the first NaruShizuka one-shot lemon you belong here. In my book you're a welcome addition. o-o-o-o-o-o\I/-o-o-o-o-o-o Pairings No particular order. Naruto: (Note: I actually bothered to watch the fillers, which I found to be anything but hellish. NarutoXHarem - You know he deserves it. NarutoXHokuto(Star village arc) - What's not to love? A freckle for each whisker, awesome. NarutoXSasame(Rice country arc) - Well Naruto already made it to second base... NarutoXAmaru(Second Shippuden movie) - Naruto was checking her out when she was vestless...Umm she was sucking on his thigh, also she's very tomboyish and has red hair! She was also blushing while she cradled him in her arms at the end of the movie!! Heh, I think I like her just a little more than Shion. 0.o NarutoXRyūzetsu - (Fifth Shippuden movie) - No spoilers yet, but I assure you there is a reason she's here. NarutoXYakumo(Kurenai's Lament arc) - I'm not sure of the name so I made up this one. Both of them are similar. NarutoXIsaribi(Sea country arc) - Mouth to mouth, Naruto you're a sly one XD. NarutoXKoyuki-hime(First movie) - Made her believe in happy endings again. NarutoXToki-sama(Bird country arc) - Stopped her from going down the wrong path. NarutoxSaara-kouhi(Fourth Shippuden movie) Naruto did leave quite an impression on her, besides even with the 20 year age gap it could still work. NarutoXHaruna-hime(Greenery country arc) - I think she was rather impressed with him, royal invite ftw XD. NarutoXShion(First Shippuden movie) - Sex Pl0X Xp. NarutoXFuuka(Sora arc) - Naruto's first real kiss, Sasuke didn't count 8-(. NarutoXTenten - Lol, something about this pairing makes me happy. NarutoXAyame - Ramen ftw! NarutoXIno - Both loud, both blonds. NarutoXKonan - As far as I'm concerned it's canon, she made the first move with the flowers! XD. NarutoXYugito - Both blonds and have a demon sealed within them. NarutoXFuu (Sachibi Jinchuuriki, Chapter 421) - A jinchuuriki and she's standing very close to Naruto in the pic. NarutoxGuren(Three-tailed arc) - I think that she isn't really evil just misguided. Who better to bring her towards the light? Also she looks alot like Hokuto which is a plus in my book. NarutoXKurotsuchi - I know what you're thinking but she is a girl, her legs are too nice to be a guys. NarutoXAkari - From what I've seen from Naruto Shippuden: Ryujinki, I think they make a pretty cute couple. NarutoXKoharu - I never though I would ever add this one; in the past she was scorching hot! Time's a bitch as it always is. NarutoXHotaru - (Six-tailed arc) The way they interact is hilarious. NarutoXJunko - Naruto's seiyuu...Imagine that...XD Overall I consider myself a Naruharem shipper. However if it only had to be one, then you guys already know who for this. Inuyasha: InuyashaXSango - Especially if Sango's plastered. InuyashaXAyame - She can do better than a smelly wolf. InuyashaXKagome - It's canon XD. Overall I consider myself a InuSan shipper, InuAya is close though. Pokemon Adventures: RedxBlue- (Luckyshipping) - Where to start? Blue is a very strange girl; and keeps her pokeballs in very questionable places O////O', and she tends to flirt with Red more than the other guys; tough luck Green. RedxLeaf- (Burningleafshipping) - They match... RedxYellow- (Specialshipping) - Cute, she seems to have feelings for him. YellowxRedxBlue- (Primaryshipping; made that one up Xp) - Haven't seen it but sounds awesome. BlueXRedxKotone - (Patriotshipping); End of the day, someone's gonna be seeing stars. XD RedxHarem- (Note: I consider 6 or more girls to be a harem) - Look above. Overall I consider myself a Luckyshipper; so automatically that means I'm also fond of Burningleaf. Pokemon: AshxHarem- First of all he's the chosen one, second he uses aura, third every season he retains his pimp status without even trying or knowing. AshxAnabel- (Abilityshipping) - I mean she shook his hand then she blushed, lol. AshxMisty- (Pokeshipping) - Even though it reminds me to much of how my sister and I react around one another O_o'; this pairing is still a classic, even if it left a bad taste in my mouth from all the genwunners and what not I still support it in The Electric Tale of Pikachu. AshxMay- (Advanceshipping) - Oh the memories with this one. AshxDawn- (Pearlshipping) - Come on! They advertised Dominos together, still hungry.. AshxIris- (Negaishipping) - I like it already! AshxSerena- (Amourshipping) - My god the feels! AshxLyra - (Pokesilvershipping) - Technically she does like him. AshxZoey - (Fireredshipping) - Heh, support. AshxAngie - (Morpheusshipping) - He saved her! AshxCasey - (Baseballshipping) - Go Eletrobuzz!! AshxDuplica - (ImiteShipping) - Duplica rules at cosplay. XD AshxCynthia - (Rayshipping) - They match. AshxGiselle - (Goggleshipping) - Sure she was stuck-up but Ash fixed her wagon! AshxMars - (Indieshipping) - The name is full of so much win. AshxMelody - (Kissshipping) - Name speaks for itself. AshxCalista - (Timeshipping) - It's grown on me. (What hasn't?) AshxMacey - (Fireshipping) - If memory recalls, he saved her. AshxBianca - (Mareshipping) - Altoshipping's too kinky for my tastes; so this one will do. AshxLatias - (Altoshipping) - Damn it internet, you ruined me. AshxMeloetta - (Relicshipping) - Do I really need to repeat myself? AshxBel(Bianca) - (Imaginationshipping) - Dubber's why'd ya make it hard for those who ship Mare? There's not many of us to begin with. (Still support.) AshxMaylene - (Aurashipping) - Yay aura! AshxFlannery- (Heatshipping) - Why not? AshxWhitney- (Milkshipping) - ((points above)) AshxCandice - (Snowballshipping) - I even like her dub voice! Ok I'm gonna cut to the chase and narrow it down to his 4 traveling companions. Between Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris. Gotta say May. Tons of hints, movie 9, the ribbon etcetera. However, that was before Serena, now it's a dead-frikken tie between Advance and Amour. Though I do admit I love Pearl a lot as well. Story Stats: DITS 36,538 Words 24 Ch 146 Reviews 75,933 Hits 15 Communities 153 Favs 160 Alerts HWND 4,914 Words 3 Ch 16 Reviews 4,814 Hits 7 Communities 51 Favs 46 Alerts Hey guys, after taking multiple arrows to the knee, I'm back. However, there won't chapter updates for sometime. After reviewing all my current stories, I've decided that now is as good a time as any to set up a revision period. As you would guess, I'll be fixing some grammatical errors and the like, adding depth where needed, and overall improving the authenticity. The change that I'm looking the most forward to will be the extended fight scene in DITS, Hokuto and Tenten both will have a larger role in that, thus upping some of the ante. As always, I'm appreciative of the feedback you guys give. So if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line. Take care, -IR UPDATE Jun-06-12: http:///petitions/fanfiction-net-stop-the-destruction-of-fanfiction-net UPDATE July-26-13: Hey guys, I should be uploading the newly revision-ed chapters for DITS and HWND soon. Apparently I also found a use for my deviantart account, I'll start uploading my previews there, and collect some awesome pics for you guys to view. DITS revison:(1/6) HWND revision:(1/3) I apologize for how long it's taking guys, just please bear with me. UPDATE Jan-25-14: Hey guys, so apparently my last laptop spazzed out on me and stopped working. This wasn't really an issue since I was planning to buy a new one anyway. Since I normally back things up on a flash drive, I had very little to lose. However, since I just started working on chapter 4 of HWND I only had it saved to the hard drive. And that's fried beyond all recognition, so the the likelihood of being able to retrieve it is pretty nil. Pretty disheartening when you always try to 1-up yourself with every chapter that's produced and working from memory has never been a strong suit of mine. So the next chapter update for HWND will be delayed. I'll continue to work on revisions when it's suitable. Thank you for your support. I love you guys. |