Author has written 1 story for Chronicles of Narnia. Hi I thought it was about time I wrote something here, especially as I now know where I'm going with my current story. Some facts about me. I am... 1) A U.K. Resident, In case you couldn't tell by the flag in the corner :) (English to be precise) Story update: My forth and final chapter of 'an old wound revisited' is completed. I should have it posted within the next few days.
Alright so it doesn't take a genius to work out that at the moment I only have one story on the go but give me time and my profile will have stories. I have only just started writing fan-fiction and I got the bug off of this site. I will never write a story that involves slash or incest, I may forget to add non slash/incest to stories in the future so I thought I'd mention it here. If I start a story I promise that I will finish it. It may take longer than I originally say, as evidenced by how my first fic is turning out but I'll never abandon a story. It would annoy me to much! I love reading the stories people post on here. Chronicles of Narnia is my favourite fandom but I like to read Tamora Pierce and Harry Potter too. I also tend to read whatever takes my interest at the time, which is usually the result of a film I've watched recently and am curious to see what people have written about it. The main reason why I created an account in the first place was so I could review other people's fics and I try to review all the fics I read. Occasionally I read someones work that I genuinely have no opinion on. Don't worry I can count on one hand the number of times that's happened. Please comment on my writing. Reviews make my day. Positive, negative, improvements, random thoughts or anything in-between it doesn't matter I want to hear what you people think, although don't expect me to reply to negative reviews unless of course its a constructive comment. REVIEW! |