![]() Author has written 1 story for Night Huntress series. From now on, AO3 is my archive of choice. I can still be contacted here and I'll continue to post new stories here temporarily, primarily so that my subscribers here are made aware of my activity and to possibly catch the attention of new readers who peek into my fandoms. I plan to delete each story a couple months after its completion. I think that gives enough time for people who are going to find my work to do so. Feel free to find me on AO3: https:///users/BladedBlossom Thank you to the readers who have supported me over the years, whether with reviews, Favorites, or Follows. I make a point to copy reviews over to AO3. The ones that are substantial/civil, anyway. So don't think it isn't worth reviewing here because the stories will get deleted. I welcome comments on either copy of my stories. As long as I know people are still enjoying my work, I'll keep posting my slices of life for as long as I have ideas. About Me Age: Mid-thirties Sex: Female Location: Hawaii I love stories, from folklore to mythology to novels, and I like learning about other people and different cultures. I'm fascinated with pythons and cheetahs and am a strong believer in the value and importance of literacy. Some genres I favor are fantasy, historical fiction, and drama. I like watching plays, especially musicals, and enjoy cute, feel-good cartoons. I hate intolerance and censorship, even if I don't necessarily agree with what's being said or believed. I think it's paramount that everyone should be able to express themselves in their own way so long as I can avoid what I find distasteful or offensive. I'm idealistic and place a high value on intelligence. I fear confrontation and quarreling and am more apt to write a letter if I have a problem with someone than to talk face-to-face. It's just as well, since I'm rather blunt verbally. I can be uncertain and insecure about my opinions if I'm not comfortable disagreeing with you, and that goes back to my hatred of fights. Generally, I'm mellow, content, easy-going, and relaxed, though I can also have an explosive temper and I never forget a wrong, even if I may still be able to be civil. People have also called me stubborn. I have no clue where they get that idea. ;) I'm pretty much glued to my computer all day. I like instant messaging, going out to eat, reading, melodic music, and sleeping. A Note About the Star Wars EU I have long held the belief that the Star Wars EU is glorified fanfiction. With LucasFilm officially announcing that the EU is not canon, my idea is thus validated. Eps I-VI and "Clone Wars" are canon, of course, but that was always agreeable to me. While I'm still happy to incorporate things from the EU into my own fanon about the characters I love, I no longer need to concern myself with what other fans may view as contradictory. LucasFilm is making a new start with Rebels, and subsequent books, comics, and games must now conform to one established timeline. Here's hoping for more organization, plausibility, and continuity in future. P.S. I've mostly pulled away from the Star Wars fandom, particularly the new era. I still like the legacy stuff that Lucas did, but since I don't keep up with the new canon, I don't really call myself a fan anymore. If I get inspired to write in the old continuity or an AU derived from it, I still will. But for now, I'm done. My Stance on Ninja Turtles Universes First of all, I want to say that I had fun in the 2012 universe while it lasted, but I no longer follow the show. I started losing interest in season 3, and with the more science fiction turn the series has taken, plus what I view as lazy/sloppy writing, I have no desire to subject myself to something that is no longer edifying for me. I still enjoy Leo with mutant Karai, and the Mutanimals are great, but that's about it. I can't get into the 2003 universe at all. I've tried twice. The characterizations just rub me the wrong way. The entire tone just isn't the way I like my Turtles. So following from that, you can guess that I despised the 2007 movie as well. The 1987 Turtles are my first love, and my favorite incarnation. I went through the entire series and have so many ideas for stories that derive from the rich material, but not sure if all of them will be developed enough to be turned into fics. Still, I love the mostly lighthearted tone and I feel the show didn't insult my intelligence by talking down to me. It embraced its ridiculous elements. It owned its brand of comedy. It knew what it was and it had fun being itself, at least until the last few seasons, which I pretend don't exist. That's when the writing started to become sloppy. But despite the blight of the final few seasons, which were really more like one season split into three to me, I still love it best. Splinter's truly wise and likable, Leo's honorable and balanced, Raph is sarcastic without being mean-spirited (usually), Mikey's boyish but smart, and Donnie's intelligent and has a heart. Really, the major characters were all fun in their way for me. I enjoyed the first and second nineties movies. Never did see the last one, Next Mutation, or Turtles Forever, so cannot comment on them. And those are my Turtles opinions. Favorites Books: The Hunger Games trilogy, His Dark Materials trilogy, The Night Circus Movies: Star Wars series Disney's Beauty and the Beast Ice Age series The Joy Luck Club Music: Fun Maroon 5 Celine Dion Lionel Richie Jason Mraz OneRepublic Food: garlic pasta dim sum sushi burritos Drinks: coffee (hot or cold), cream soda, apple cider on occasion Fictional Crushes Severus Snape, Hector from The Iliad, Obi-Wan Kenobi (All honorable, fallen warriors - intelligent, skilled, and hard workers.) Ships The Hunger Games: Star Wars: Obi-Wan/Asajj Obi-Wan/Cody Qui-Gon/Adi Gallia Qui-Gon/Shmi Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012: Leonardo/Karai TMNT 1987: Leonardo/Lotus Raphael/Mona and Michelangelo/Kala (both casually) Little Women: Laurie/Jo Friedrich Bhaer/Jo John/Meg Beauty and the Beast: Belle/Beast His Dark Materials: Will/Lyra (so sad, but made sense for the story) Harry Potter: Severus/Narcissa Severus/Minerva Harry/Hermione Viktor/Hermione Lord of the Rings: Legolas/Gimli Ships I Hate Star Wars: Obi-Wan/Satine Obi-Wan/Siri Anakin/Padme (because it's dysfunctional and kind of scary) Little Women: Laurie/Amy Harry Potter: Severus/Lily (same reason as Anakin/Padme) Ron/Hermione Harry/Ginny |