![]() Author has written 11 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, Dragon Age, Once Upon a Time, Avengers, Harry Potter, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Hi there, If you're reading this, let's assume for the sake of argument that you like what I've written so far and have an urge to see more. Well, a few things you should know: I have some bad habits. 1) I get tons of story ideas, but rarely write them down 2) Even if I do start writing them down, I hardly ever finish them Couple those in with the fact that I don't like showing stuff to people when it's not finished and most of my story ideas are long and involved . . . yeah, most of the things you'll see from me at first will be fairly short. Give me awhile and I might post more. Might. I'm actually a pretty busy person, after all. On the brightside, though, anything you see from me will basically be a finished product with an actual ending! Even if I post different chapters on different days, that's to keep it on the front page for longer so more people will see it . . . yeah, sneaky trick, huh? As you might guess, I'm not a stranger to writing. It's just sticking through to actually writing the end that's my problem. And then there's the fact that I haven't actually posted anything till now on here, even though I've been reading stories on FF net for years for one thing or another. Things I have written for/story ideas (unfinished and not): Avengers (movie) Dragon Age Avatar: The Last Airbender Dragonball Z Labyrinth/Harry Potter (crossover idea I'm fond of) Beast Wars/Machines (collaboration with Churnok) Trinity Blood Vampire Hunter D X-Men Star Wars Anyway, depending on the feedback I get from people, I might post some of my unfinished work (yes, I had/have an ending in mind for even my unfinished stuff, just haven't gotten that far in the actual writing), but not being able to read to the end of a story that I actually like has always been a pet peeve of mine, so I won't subject others to that unless I hear otherwise. Also, my brother's account on FF net is Churnok. He has many varied interests and actually writes down his ideas! Look him up if you like good characterization for many different series. (Profile image stolen shamelessly off Deviantart) |