Author has written 13 stories for Twilight. Some details - Female, late thirties, married to my high school sweetheart, and the mother of the most amazing kids in the world. Born and raised in a very small town in New York. I love to write, even if I'm not very good at it. I stumbled onto this site by accident one day and it inspired me to post my own stories. Hope you enjoy. Here are the links for the items in Chapter 9 of My Happily Ever After: Bella's engagement ring from Chapter 19 of My Happily Ever After: -It's not the exact ring I described, b/c I made it up, but it's perfect for the story. And how fitting is it that the ring is Edwardian style and I found it on the Fay CULLEN website? It was meant to be, people. :D Chapter 20 of My Happily Ever After: - I magine her wearing them on the same wrist, perhaps her right. Twenty Tickets - Edward's Glasses: Dresses from chapter 11 of The Auction...finally: |
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