Author has written 18 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing/AC, Pet Shop of Horrors, Get Backers, Inuyasha, Transformers/Beast Wars, Ninja Turtles, Final Fantasy VII, and One Piece. If you're getting impatient, try going to livejournal to see my works-in-progress if you're getting impatient waiting for the next full chapter of something. I post there a lot more frequently than I update here. Eheh. I'm also on AO3, if you like that site better. Hello everyone, I'm Sanjuno Shori Niko. I'm country girl from Canada. I'm the eldest daughter in a family with far too many younger sisters and only one brother. I keep horses, dogs, cats, goats, ducks, and fish. I have odd tastes, and will usually avoid reading a romance fic that doesn't have at least one of my OTP unless it has been recommended by someone whose taste I trust, or it was written by an author whose writing skill is enough cake not to need any extra frosting. Sailor Moon was my introduction to the world of fanfiction, which makes it a bit ironic that I often find that the romantic nonsense Hollywood insists on keeps mucking up my action movies. Heh. I have an addiction to happy endings, a deep and abiding love for crowning moments of awesome, and tend to fixate on one character or group in a series (they get all the love from that point onwards.) I won't post without editing my work, and dislike posting to this site unless I feel like the chapter is finished. I'm also lazy and somewhat easily distracted, so I often get asked if I'm still updating my fics. The answer is always yes, I'm just making sure it meets my personal standards for posting. If in the event I have stopped writing a fic, I will find a way to let people know. Note: I write what I write when I write it. I'll get back to the other stuff when I get interested in it again. Sorry if that comes as a disappointment for some people. Current Fic Status: I've got over 2000 pages of new fic that needs editing and typing up. Not having a computer for two years created the largest fic backlog I've ever heard of. So as of November 2015 I am back in the posting business. Hope that makes everyone happy. Now scoot. Go read the fics. Enjoy. And when you read leave a review, pretty please! Thankyou all very much for your time. |
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