Author has written 110 stories for Smallville, Lord of the Rings, and Supernatural. (I thought it was time to update my Profile since I have had the same one for YEARS. ) I discovered fanfiction not far into Smallville's first season, but I've been writing it for a very long time - just didn't know what it was! So far I've only "published" works for Smallville, Supernatural, and a small Lord of the Rings drabble. Hidden somewhere in a storage tub in my office I have some handwritten drabbles from Star Trek the Next Generation and a classic Star Trek novella type written on a MANUAL typewriter - can ya believe it? Yeah, I've got some age on me. Ha ha! I'm honestly pretty proud of the novella, but whether or not I'm up to letting it see the light of day -- probably not. I consider myself a writer because, to quote Stephen King from his book Danse Macabre: "a writer is someone who writes." By my own definition I consider myself more of a "storyteller" than something like a "novelist." I'm not looking to win a Pulitzer or produce the next great American novel, I just want to write things people can enjoy reading. I have a lot of original work clanking around in my head that I'd like to get down and possibly get published one day, but if all I ever do is write fanfic and put it up here, well I can be content with that as long as someone gets a few minutes of escapist pleasure from it. That's what it's all about, isn't it? Thank you to everyone who has supported my efforts over the last ten years or so. Keep reading, keep writing, and keep having fun! -T |