![]() Author has written 18 stories for Harry Potter, and Firefly. Hello! My stories contain adult themes. Please read responsibly. As of 2012 I will be slowly removing explicit content from my account on this site. However, I and all of my fan fiction can always be found at my blog: http:// or http://. You can also download my works in various formats from my account at AO3. My complete works are not yet uploaded to that site, as I was intending on hard-editing everything that went up there. Again, please read responsibly. I do NOT want to know if you are underage and surfing explicit content! Update, January 2012:
It's been a great ride. A tremendous thank you goes out to Calisto Kerrigan, who is my frequent sounding board for writing, as well as my incredible banner-making queen (which, sadly, I don't get to show off here - you can see them all on their related stories at my blog site up above). Another big thanks goes to Tink Wolfe, who is probably the most incredible writer I personally know. While she hasn't been around the internet for the last year, her encouragement as well as Calisto's and JadeCharmer's really helped me to regain some perspective last year, and working with them on and off has truly helped to bring my writing to a higher level. You are all amazing writer-friends and friend-friends. Thank you. Finally, please be sure to check out some of my favourite fellow writers. The ones not on are linked below, and the rest are in my Favourites list! http:/// - Rozarka specializes in rare het HP pairings, with a focus on Viktor/Hermione. She is solely responsible for my even looking at that pairing, much less falling not-so-secretly in love with them! Everything she writes is amazing, though. She has the special gift of making any pairing she writes elicit a wistful sigh from the reader. http:///kris_fic/ scifichick774 writes a lot of Hermione-centric crossovers, but she also writes some really rare pairs that work amazingly well. One of my favourite WIPs is "Harem," which is supposed to be sort of cracky, but has been so much fun, and has made me really ponder the potential for Barty Crouch, Jr. http:/// fangirlwithak is one of those writers who just somehow slipped under the radar - she doesn't get nearly enough adoration. I "discovered" her amazingness last year, as she was the only other person to write a Hermione/Sirius fic for the livejournal Hermione Big Bang. Her story for that, "Temporality," is absolutely one of the best Time Turner fics I've ever read. If you don't count Tink Wolfe's "Thief of Time" as a Time Turner fic (and I don't - it's a brilliant history re-write), then I'd put "Temporality" up as best Time Turner fic, period. |