Author has written 25 stories for Pokémon, Lion King, Doctor Who, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Kirby, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beetlejuice, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, and Transformers/Beast Wars. Name: Werebunny. Really! Ok, no not really. But it sounds cool! =^-^= Age: Biologically- Over 10 and under 200. Mentally- 1 through 9 depending on how much sleep and/or coffee I've had. I am basically a professional fanfic reader. I have written a few things, but then I come on here and read other people's FANTASTIC stories, and I just kinda...don't...publish...mine...Well, I've grown a bit more confident in my own writing, but I still don't publish everything that I write. My fav subjects of stories: SRMTHFG, Van Helsing, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-T/D/S mostly, Transformers, Animorphs, Diadem series, pretty much anything by Tamora Peirce, Yu-Gi-Oh, SWAT Kats, Sherlock Holmes, Artemis Fowl, Lion King, Justice League/Unlimited, Calvin & Hobbes, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Firefly, EUReKA, Leverage, Lilo & Stitch, Penguins of Madagascar, Looking For Group, Teen Titans, Wall-e, Warehouse 13, and the Young Wizard books. Whew! I've written something! Really! And published it! Yaaaaaay! I didn't put an intro into them. Oops. I'm going to put in a general disclaimer here, since I keep forgetting to put any in the actual stories. Anything recognizable in any of my stories is not mine, but the property of its rightful owner and creator. So far, this is Pokemon, Doctor Who and Lion King. And Samurai Deeper Kyo, and Kirby! Wow. I'm moving up in the world. Yu-Gi-Oh too?! Damn! I'm on a roll! Again, no matter what show/game I write about, I don't own it! Just so we're clear. I've written a few Lion King one-shots, along with one actual story. I think I'm going to try to write a one-shot for all of the main characters of the Lion King 2. And Nala, who was surprisingly...minor. Ok, I have a problem peoples. I have a Pokemon story in the works, but, I need names. Preferably Pikachu names. So if anyone can think of some for me, that would be FANTASTIC. The (good) names I get will be put in my story. They could be ones you just made up, nicknames of Pikachus you've had, or partner's names, whatever. I just seriously have a brain-fart whenever I try to think of any different names.I have a problem with names if they can't be ones like...Joe. Or Bob. Or Anne. ^^' Thank you! |
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