Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Monster Hunter, Pokémon, Black Jewels Trilogy, and Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka. Hello everyone, Figured I'd update this since I am now writing again, although it is vastly different from my first two fan-fiction stories. I hope I am a better writer than I was then, so might eventually re-write and add details and new chapters to the abandoned stories, but not until I have at least 10 chapters posted of my new fanfiction. My new fanfiction story is a crossover / fusion between two relatively obscure franchises, so I have less pressure when it comes to making my works original and not cliched, since there is not enough written yet for the clichés to have become boring. Danmachi definitely has a lot of potential for interesting stories, and Monster Hunter World seems like a good fit to make the rest of the world outside the one city Danmachi is focused on interesting. Both have fighting monsters as the main theme and profession, and seem to be set in a semi-primitive time with a few advanced devices due to magic. I have 7 and a half chapters written, but will post slowly due to wanting to edit and add details to each chapter before posting, and I want to have time to actually finish chapters 8 and 9 before getting to chapter 7. A beta reader will really help if anyone wants to, but going over the chapters multiple times and editing even posted chapters works too, it is just slow and irritating. So far I have mainly read Naruto, Yu Yu Hakushu, InuYasha, One Piece, Ruby and Harry Potter fanfics, as well as crossovers. But I have read a lot of self inserts and gamer stories and a huge number of other franchises as well. I also occasionally read obscure fan-fics such as Tamora Pierce, David Eddings, Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey or The Black Jewels Triology, since I read the books as a child. My first fanfic, is/was an AU Fem Naruto fic-let. I do not plan to update very frequently, I have only a general idea where I am going, and have not even read or watched much past Naruto shippuden, so my fanfic will slowly diverge more and more from the original Naruto universe, with it already being different from the very first chapter. "Kitara, the Fox Kunoichi" is very uncertain to me, but the ideas just would not leave me alone, even though I read more Harry potter fanfiction than Naruto. However, Harry Potter fanfiction is already so broad that I cannot come up with an idea original enough to keep my interest. (found something!) I doubt this fanfic will be extremely long, since I do not like dragging things out and have a tendency to skip boring things, like all the filler arcs. However I also like to have enough background detail that my characters skills, talents, and personalities will hopefully be believable. Plus, so far I do not have much of an actual plot, beyond changing the events around the plot I have already seen and read from the original works. I now also have my Harry Potter/Black Jewels crossover, Willow the queen who is not a Queen, and now my Naruto fic-let is on indefinite hiatus. Even though no one has complained so far, I also have not gotten many reveiws, so anyone who wants to beta for my stories is welcome. Every other week updates has proven much to ambitious, so my posts are irregular and my chapters are short. |
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