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Author has written 10 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Tom Stoppard. Mmm...redone to make more user-accessible. ('Cause you, like, totally access my profile. 'Cause you're just cool like that.) Friendly! That's the word I was looking for. User-friendly. Hey! I'm Evil Demon Warrior Bunny. Well, not actually, but that's all I'm prepared to give you. Nothing personal, I just have this irrational fear of stalkers and molesters. Weird, I know. I'm a female in a high school somewhere in the US. I can drive but not vote, so that should give you some indication as to my age. I love reading, writing, acting, cookie dough, proofreading (strange I know), sun dried tomatoes, brownies with frosting, gelato spoons, the name Vivian (not mine. I wish.), Hanjie (like Sudoku, but better), Obi Wan Kenobi, Minesweeper, the actresses Shirley Henderson and Bernadette Peters, and sleep. I would sleep all the time if I could. I'm an only child in a two-parent household with a dog and two cats, whom I absolutely adore. The cats, that is. The dog is smelly. I've always been rather withdrawn, and I'm rarely the center of a conversation. I tend to sit on the sidelines and make sarcastic remarks. I love my friends and I try to see the best in people, which is hard. I'm considered smart--which sounds like bragging, doesn't it? Ah well. I wish I was more charismatic. I used to always make up fanfics in my head, before I ever realized that other people did, too. I found this site a couple of years ago, but I'm just now getting around to making an account. I do, consequently, love anonymous reviewers. I was one for too long not to. So please, if you don't have an account, review anyway! Or, if you happen to come across something that I wrote ages ago and don't want to review it because of that, please just forget about that and do it. (I know that sounds kind of odd (not to mention the grammar sucks) but it sometimes goes through my head, ne?) Preferred (and not-so-preferred) characters, pairings, etc, plus general notes Bleach Characters: Ukitake, Urahara, Gin, Shunsui, Stark, Nnoitra, Yoruichi, Yuzu, Nanao Pairings: UraYoru, GinRan, StarkLilynette, Nnoinel, ShunNan, ByaRen, KenseiMashiro, and IkkaYumi are my mains. I also like, but probably won't write exclusively on: HitsuHina, UnohanaUkitake, IchiRuki, ShuuKira, Ulquihime, Ishihime, ShinjiHiyori, LoveRose, RoseLisa, KiyoneSentarou, and a couple more I can't think of right now. (Note: Bleach has WAY too many characters.) Dislikes: Tousen, Soi Fong, Lisa, the Central 46, HitsuKarin, IkkaNemu, ShuuYumi, YoruSoi Stuff I Want/Would Have Liked To See: Urahara-Mayuri-Hiyori interaction, a couple (read: Stark and Nnoitra) Espada to still be alive, someone NOT ICHIGO to kill Aizen. Anyone. Shinji. Urahara. Hinamori. Gin. I'm not picky. Notes: I read Bleach for the characters, not the plot, as there isn't much of one. Nothing happens per chapter and when it does it's over too soon, but I love it all the same. Also, GIN! I KNEW YOU WERE GOOD! PLEASE DON'T DIE! Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Roy, Riza, Roy-tachi, Al, Hughes Pairings: ROYAI!!, EdWin, LingRanFan, AlMei, Oliveer, IzumiSig Dislikes: Kimbly, Envy, Scar, RoyEd, Edvy Stuff I Want/Would Have Liked To See: More Royai moments, Pride/Riza interaction, more about Hawkeye's past, Father's final plan Notes: One of the first major manga I read, still probably my favorite. And excuse me while I go scream over chapter 100 (and 101) now. Also, it's over! WHHHYYYYY??? Fruits Basket Characters: Shigure, Hatori, Kisa Pairings: AyameMine, RinHaru, KisaHiro Dislikes: Ren, Kyo's dad, Yuki's mom Stuff I Want/Would Have Liked To See: More about what happened to the rest of the characters (ie, not just Tohru and Kyo) Notes: THE first manga I read, ever, I think. Uh huh. It's excellent, even if you can't find it online that easily anymore. Axis Powers Hetalia Characters: England, Poland, Canada, Spain, Lichtenstein Pairings: USxUK, Poland/Liet, AustriaHungary, Germany/Italy, Franada, Spamano, France/Spain, Italy/HRE, China/Russia, China/Japan, GiriPan, Greece/Turkey, Canada/Cuba, SuFin, PruCan, Denmark/Norway...I really could go on here. Dislikes: USRussia, FrUK, Russia/Liet, PrussiaHungary Notes: I think once you go Hetalia you never go back. It's just that amazing, and USxUK totally dominates my life now. Harry Potter Characters: Remus, Minerva, George, Snape-as-played-by-Alan-Rickman Pairings: RLNT, MMAD, GWHP, GGAD, A Very Potter Musical-style VoldemortQuirrell Dislikes: Mundungus, Umbridge, HPDM, HGDM Notes: C'mon, you know it's awesome. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Characters: Giles, Anya, Oz, Tara, Andrew Pairings: GilesJenny, WillowTara, WillowOz, AnyaXander, BuffyAngel Dislikes: DAWN, Amy, Caleb, Spuffy, Ganya, WillowKennedy, DawnXander Notes: I pretty much adore anything Joss Whedon has ever done. I worship him. Twilight Characters: Jasper, Garrett, Carlisle, Seth, Marcus, Aro Pairings: AliceJasper, CarlisleEsme Dislikes: Victoria, Caius, Leah, JacobBella Notes: Somewhat of a guilty pleasure...although I'm not a fan of the two main characters. The movie sucked. Battlestar Galactica Characters: Adama, Helo, Cottle, Roslin Pairings: AdamaRoslin, HeloSharon, LeeStarbuck Dislikes: Dee, Kat, DeeApollo Notes: THE most depressing show I've ever watched, I swear. Still good though. House MD Characters: Cuddy, Wilson, Taub, (and House of course) Pairings: Huddy, Chameron, Foreteen Dislikes: Hameron, 13House Notes Oh, yes. It's glorious. Doctor Who (mostly new series) Characters: 1, 3, 7, 10 (and the rest of 'em), Martha, the Master (all of them, but I'm partial to Delgado and Simm), Jack, Donna, Ian, Rory, the Brig, Evelyn Pairings: Master/Doctor (any and all), 10Martha, 9Rose, Jack/ANYONE, IanBarbara, AmyRory Dislikes: River Song, Lady Christina, 10Donna, MasterLucy, 10Rose Stuff I Want/Would Have Liked To See: Mmm...more episodes with David Tennant? Crossover eps with a bunch of Doctors, or eps with other Time Lords. John Simm to come back. 11 and Amy to meet Martha or Donna or Jack. Notes: I love love LOVE Doctor Who. David Tennant is one of my personal gods. And the writers and actors managed to cram so much sexual tension into every scene with the Doctor and the Master that I squee every time they come onscreen. Star Wars (movies only) Characters: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, C3PO, Padme, Han Pairings: QuiObi (I love this as romantic or as father-son), Obidala, HanLeia Dislikes: ANAKIN, any pairings with ANAKIN in them...and that's about it. Notes Surprisingly, I don't mind the prequels. Except for Hayden Christenson's acting. That sucked. Inception Characters: Eames, Arthur, Yusuf, Saito, Ariadne Pairings: Eames/Arthur is a huge, huge OTP, and other than that I will ship any of the other characters with each other. ANYONE. RobertAriadne? CobbMal? CobbAriadne? Saito/Yusuf? Cobb/Saito? AriadneYusuf? AnyoneElse/AnyoneElse? BRING IT ON. Dislikes: I DISLIKE NO ONE. Notes I love Inception. I am unhealthily obsessed with Inception. Oh god. IT IS SO GOOD. Other Stuff What I else read/watch: The Office, Firefly, Castle, Dollhouse, Hana To Akuma, Her Majesty's Dog, LotR (books and movies), Sherlock Holmes (same), Batman, Good Omens, various Shakespeare, anything Disney, various mythologies, RENT, Wicked, R&G Are Dead, Star Trek TOS, Hunter x Hunter, Neverwhere, Chronicles of Narnia, Chronicles of Prydain, etc. Characters: Pippin, Spock, Jim Halpert, Topher Brinks Pairings: SpockSaavik, TopherClaire, Ryan/Espisito, Kurapika/Leorio, Holmes/Watson, Merry/Pippin, Dwangela, HadesPersephone, Ennis/Jack, Guildenstern/Rosencrantz, SimonKaylee, MalInara, Mark/Roger Dislikes: Frodo, PaulEcho, SpockUhura, OC!Pairings Notes: Hmm...what to say? I like a lot of stuff. On what I ship: usually I like all canon (cannon?). For example, in Harry Potter or Fruits Basket, just because I don't say I like a certain pairing doesn't mean I don't. There are just too many in those to say them all. On slash or femslash or yaoi or yuri or whatever, I don't mind it. In fact, in some cases (coughAPHcough) I adore it! It usually depends on how the people interact, rather than what gender they are. What I don't like is people INSISTING that ALL their pairings must be either het or slash. Both are true in real life, so both should be true in fic, you know? I don't mind OCs as long as they're not the focus of a story. Most (read: all) stories where the main pairing is RealCharacterxOC annoy me. Self-insertion isn't exactly my cup of tea, either. But if it's just a story with a couple of original, well thought out characters that make appearances, then, well, great! Random venting: it's really annoying when you're playing Spider Solitare and all you need is a five to make your little stack and complete the deck and you can't do anything so you click on the little Deal New Row button hoping that it will give you at least ONE five but instead it gives you two sevens when you already have four sevens showing, one of which is totally useless already, and you don't have any fives and you lose the game and the stupid Undo button doesn't work to take back a Deal New Row move. Yeah. I hate that. More random venting: WHY ARE ALL MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS DEAD, DYING, OR GOING INSANE?! (Spoilers follow.) So, first Kutner goes and commits suicide. Well, great. Thanks a lot. Way to give warning. Then: oh no! Ichigo is a Mary Sue and does the Ultimate Pwnage thingy of his, totally obliterating Ulquiorra. Uliquihime was SO CLOSE, too! Then Roy practically goes crazy with all his revengey-stoof. Yes, Envy killed Hughes, but we don't need to be idiotic about it. Grow up. On top of that, Hughes, Nnoitra, Lupin, Anya, Tara, Spike, and Tonks are all dead. Kill. Ten Reasons Gay Marriage is Un-American. (Humor) 1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. 2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. 4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. 5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. 6. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children. 7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children. 8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America. 9. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. 10. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans. For Pete's sakes, people, learn tolerance. That's about it for now. Thanks for reading! |
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