Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. (Updated: 3/18/2022) First off, my profile is getting a major update! I hadn't updated it in about 6 years and my tastes and ideas and a whole bunch of other stuff has changed. So, the name I usually go by now is Matty. (Only family and friends from when I was a lot younger call me anything different, for the most part.) I am 31, but I will be 32 in a couple of months. I am non-binary and pansexual, in a polyamorous relationship. I am not a very good writer, and I acknowledge this. If you enjoy the few stories I have out (any or all of them), then thank you, I tried. The main category that I read in fanfiction is Harry Potter. I also really enjoy Harry Potter crossovers. I also read both slash and het. I almost always hate the pairing of Harry/Ginny, with a few exceptions. I find that I currently really like Harry/Hermione, Harry/Luna, and also Harry/Neville. One of my biggest pet peeves from other writers is when they write a story, and it doesn't have to be particularly long but the longer it is the more it's aggravating, and then on the last chapter it is either a note itself or has a note added where it says they're abandoning it... Yet it isn't marked as abandoned in the summary! You see, I don't mind when authors abandoned stories (though sometimes it makes me really sad) but I do mind investing my time and also getting invested in the story to find out that it's never going to be completed when I could have found that out if they had simply put it in the summary. I also generally do not read stories that are not marked as complete unless they are a sequel to story I have already read (and those have to have been updated within the last year). I will read in complete stories on occasion but it is extremely rare and usually those stories are by an author where I have read several of their other stories. I realize I have a bunch of incomplete stories in my favorites but that was before I tried to make the self-imposed rule of not reading incomplete stories. |
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