![]() Author has written 16 stories for Guyver, Kamen Rider, Inuyasha, Teen Titans, Big Bad Beetleborgs Metallix, Justice League, Disney, Ben 10, Rosario + Vampire, and Higurashi/Umineko series. Hello everybody. In case you can't tell by the types of stories that I have written thus far, I'm a fan of the Guyver series and of the Tokusatsu genre. Guyver was the first anime series I ever saw back in '92 and I've loved anime ever since. My first experience with Tokusatsu was, of course, Power Rangers. Though, my first Japanese Tokusatsu experience was when I watched the series Garo. I'm a frequent member on the site called Japan-Legend and a few of the members there are also fellow members here. Over time, I'll post links to images of my characters that I've drawn, though I appreciate any fan art you guys make. Well, that's about it for me for the moment. Feel free to drop me a line sometime. April 14, 2016 STATUS UPDATE - Author's Note: ...Readers. They grind my gears...A LOT! I am going to explain this clearly. I am an adult. I have to work. I have to pay bills. I have to help out with errands and house and yard work. I have to sleep cuz I work overnights. This means that, even though I have a computer, I am not always on it. I reply to nearly every email, PM, review and make small account updates via my PHONE. While I may not be at a computer or currently updating, I am making mental notes of new ideas for current and upcoming stories. But having ungrateful people constant whining about when an update is going to be released...it's starting to make it where it is no longer worth doing this. Writing fics is a freaking HOBBY! Not a job! If it keeps up to where all I get are nags and whines about when I'm going to update, then you can all make your own versions and write your own stories. Be glad that authors write for you all. Not that anyone shows any true appreciation. Sure. When someone updates, if it's a good chapter, we get praise, with some reviews very well thought out. Even critiques. But when we don't, for great long periods of time, all we authors get is contempt. Why don't the readers who complain about the wait actually try and write a freaking fic for once. Think up all the ideas. All the details. Everything that is needed to make a decent fic. Do I hear anyone wanting to do this? ...No? Then I suggest all those who keep complaining to shut their mouths and just wait patiently. When an author updates, they do so cuz they find time. Until then, just, PLEASE, have some freaking patience! September 24, 2017 STATUS UPDATE I need some of you to understand something. Just because I take a bit of time to read reviews, PMs and reply to them, that's when I actually HAVE TIME!! A lot of my spare time is spent doing chores, running errands and helping other author's with their ideas. The last part is something I like doing...when I can. I've recently had people who bitch when I remove their reviews. Well, if you give me a very negative and flamming review, it WILL be removed. I don't care if you're being honest or not. If you're going to be a dick with your review, then I will remove it. And for the most part, for the past year, I've had a severe lack of motivation to work on any of my stories because nearly 75% of reviews and PM's that I get are completely negative and degrading. Stories like Justice League: OOO Unlimited, Justice League: Bio-Booster Warrior and Ben 10 Forever have gotten the most requests for updates and also get the most negativity from the dicks that traffic this site. Look, if you all want me to update them, I will when I get time and am properly motivated. When my previous laptop crashed, it took practically ALL of my notes and roughs for those series with it. So I have to redo...EVERYTHING!!! If you all want those series to get updates, then be positive. If you wants to see something happen, give me some suggestions and ideas. Negative reviews, flamming reviews and negative and flamming PM's are not helpful. They can actually and usually do HURT a story. Look, I like that a lot of you are so into these stories and that you have such praise for them. That makes me happy. But come on, the negativity isn't helping. I'll even share the update notes. Ben 10 Forever will be getting a slight tone change, mostly due to trying to stay more true to the personalities and mannerisms of Ben and Blackfire. OOO Unlimited will be debuting GataKiriBa Combo within the 3-part arc and will debut my first fan-made combo by chapter 25. Bio-Booster Warrior, due to being so low in chapter count, will be getting some of the original ideas redone so as to fit a new flow that I have in mind for it. So please, patience and non-negativity is wanted and highly appreciated. Here's a list of names of some of my favorite authors fromthis site: Cyblade Silver CrazyGirl 47 Jemlela Kamen Rider Chrome |