Author has written 1 story for Maximum Ride, and Twilight. HeY PpL So YeAh My NaMe Is YeSeNiA... i LiVe In PaLoS VeRdEs/RoLlInG HiLlS La ItS SuNnY BuT I lIkE ThE rAiN bEtTeR AnD sNoW! FaVoRiTe BoOkS: TwIlIgHt SeRiEs, MaXiMuM RiDe SeRiEs, ArTeMiS FoWl SeRiEs, ThE GaTe KeEpErS SeRiEs, MaNgA, EtC FaVoRiTe CoLoRs: BlAcK, ReD, PuRpLe, BlUe fAvOrItE ShOwS: RoB & BiG, FuLl MeTaL AlChEmIsT, GhOsT HuNtErS,NaRuTo, SoUtH PaRk, FaMlIY GuY, GorGe LoPeZ EtC I lOvE To ReAd AnD RuN! My fAvOrItE MoViE Is BrUcE AlMiGhTy! ThAt MoViE Is AwEsOmE & HiLaRiOuS! My fAvOrItE aCtOrS ArE JiM CaRrEy & WiLl SmItH! PeOple SaY In ShY BuT WaNtS YoU GeT To KnOw Me,I ToTaLly Am NoT I LiKe To SkAtE BoArD, PlAy BaSkEt BaLl, AnD DrAw MuSic: EmInEm, RiSe AgAiNsT SiMpLe PlAn, LiNkIn PaRk, My ChEmIcAl RoMaNcE, AfI, AkOn, TuPac, BlInK 182, BoB MaRlEy,CoLdPlAy, NiRvAnA, PaRaMoRe, ArMoR FoR SlEeP, aNd So MuCh MoRe I love socialvibe, and I think more people should join it, there are a variety of causes to choose from like saving the environment and helping people with cancer or just helping out the homeless, and all you have to do is update your status and answer the question of the day. Some thing small can go a long way! "REMEMBER WHEN" REMEMBER WHEN .. Quotes “If you’re never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.” –Julia Sorel “Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.” – William C. Durant "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you could appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you can eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together"- Marilyn Monroe Scary-a.. thing.. |
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