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Author has written 76 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, Transformers/Beast Wars, and Legend of Korra. Bah weep graaaaagnah weep ni ni bong! Thanks for checking out my fanfiction. I'm pretty much known for my humorous writing, with creativity, quality prose, and variety being other good points people have noted. My main collection of short stories is "The Ember Island Lighthouse," but I sometimes publish one-shots individually in order to fill out (or take advantage of) the character-filters. I also have a number of short multi-part tales, one completed novel-sized tale, and an epic tale that's more words than 'The Lord of the Rings.' (I love pointing that out.) So check my works as you like, or see the same stuff on Archive of Our Own (h t t p : / / a r c h i v e o f o u r o w n . o r g / u s e r s / L o o p y). Or, follow me on tumblr (h t t p : / / l o o p y 7 7 7 . t u m b l r . c o m) for frequently-humorous talk about fanfiction, Avatar, and other junk. Constructive criticism is welcome on all my stories. In fact, do whatever you want, so long as it isn't plagiarism. "So this is the thing I really want to drive home for any and all people who find something special in my books (or, for that matter, in anyone else's). It's not the book. It's you. It's your mind doing all the work. Your commitment, your willingness to be touched, your suspension of disbelief and the power of your imagination. That's why there are many, many people who will never be moved by some story you love -- or, for some impoverished souls, by any story at all. If you find something extraordinary in one of my books, it's because it was already inside you, and the words just helped you locate it, that's all. "And for those who don't find anything extraordinary in any of my books, !@#$& you anyway. Read something else, punk@$&." -Matthew Woodring Stover 11 Ways to Tell You're Reading a Story by Loopy777 11. All the sentences are long, and nary a statement is made without at least one comma. In fact, it would probably be more accurate to say that sentences wear commas like jewelry. 10. Purple prose abounds, but not in the way you usually see it. Instead of long paragraphs of descriptions, characters will ruminate on what they're sensing, and adjectives will randomly pounce like guerrilla fighters in the wilderness. More often than not, all of this description will somehow manage to tie in to one or more ongoing themes, whether or not it's appropriate or likely. 9. Nothing quite reaches the level of darkfic. There are plenty of bleak situations, yes, even tragic ones, but one of three things happens: a) The heroes don't gives in to despair and there's always hope, b) it happens to a minor character no one can care much about, or c) the situation is so sudden and out of nowhere it is in fact darkly humorous. This is not psychologically significant in any way. 8. Any romance will be chaste romance. If it weren't for the odd kiss every so often, it'd be hard to tell if the pairings are actually romantic in nature or merely an example of two very supportive friends. This is not psychologically significant in any way. 7. Any romantic angst will be quirky romantic angst. Pairings will rarely suffer from external forces trying to keep them apart, and no character will attempt to break off a romance for the other party's perceived good. Instead, all the conflict will come from the characters struggling to even tell if they're attracted to each other, and then after they acknowledge it, they'll still waffle on deciding if the romance is worth the lifestyle compromises they'll have to make for it. This is not psychologically significant in any way. 6. Every single character thinks in a highly rational manner , and will be given to frequent bouts of dispassionate self-analysis. Yes, even the crazy ones. Especially the crazy ones. This is not psychologically significant in any way. 5. Don't look for stories about the main pairings of the original cartoon. In fact, don't look for the main characters of the original cartoon. Minor characters and strange crack-pairings rule the day. 4. It doesn't matter how inappropriate it is for the story, there will be comedic elements. This is not psychologically significant in any way. 3. Sokka or Mai. Just... Sokka or Mai. This is as psychological as it comes. 2. Serious works will often include, if not feature, characters of ambiguous, unusual, or absent morality. The presentation of these characters makes it look like that kind of behavior is being advocated. 1. Fight scenes. Fight scenes with more detail than can ever be narratively justified. Also, expect the best action sequences to randomly stop and give the POV character's full resume in a mini-essay on how awesome they are. Traitor's Face Traitor's Face on TVTropes: h t t p s : / / t v t r o p e s . o r g / p m w i k i / p m w i k i . p h p / F a n F i c / T r a i t o r s F a c e My latest completed project is an Alternate Universe to the Avatar: The Last Airbender story. Due to a certain decision made in one of the three prologues, the timeline moves down a different track, and so when Aang is freed from his century on ice, he finds a brand new adventure waiting for him. If you've ever read another "For Want of a Nail"-type ATLA fanfic that changes the membership of the gAang, then you're in for a real treat, because this is NOTHING LIKE THOSE. Instead of just rehashing the episodes we all know with a different cast and slightly different events, this is a completely different story that takes full advantage of its alternate timeline, and even features a new endgame goal. (It's not as simple as "Defeat the Fire Lord and save the world!" in this story.) The original inspiration for this story was a forum discussion about what kinds of shipping would be possible if someone other than Katara had been the first face that Aang sees upon waking up from his deep freeze. As will surprise no one who has read my fanfic output, I was intrigued by the possibilities around putting Mai in that situation. The whole setting was constructed from the needs of that one supposition, that Mai was for some reason down near the South Pole and in a position to find an Avatar in an iceberg, and the story was designed play up all the possible complications that could arise from such an unusual unrequited crush. The story spans five acts, and I recently posted the final chapter to critical acclaim. (Seriously, people have been so nice and complimentary. You guys rock!) This is a long and epic story, with twists and turns and drama and shipping and ship-teasing and action and comedy and politics and treachery and lemurs. I think you'll like it. Retroactive Retroactive on TVTropes: h t t p : / / t v t r o p e s . o r g / p m w i k i / p m w i k i . p h p / F a n f i c / R e t r o a c t i v e My first completed epic is a mix of psychological horror and adventure thrills starring both Suki and Azula, with other strong roles being held by Sokka and Ty Lee. I can't tell you much without revealing some major spoilers, but if you get to the end of Chapter 3 and you're not intrigued, then you can quit reading with my blessing. Many reviewers have described the story as one of the most unique efforts in ATLA fan-fiction, so if you're looking for something new and interesting, you could probably do worse. The first half of the story's prologue has been adapted into a 3-page manga by our own Light Penguin. I'm pleased as punch with how it turned out, and I encourage all fans of the story, or even people who just want to sample the tale, to check it out. All three pages are linked on my deviantArt journal: h t t p : / / l o o p y 7 7 7 . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m / j o u r n a l / R e t r o a c t i v e - T h e - M A N G A - S l u s h - y e s - 3 8 0 6 9 0 9 2 4 The story has inspired an AMV by friend and fellow author Lunatique, and cleverly makes use of a quirk of AtLA's Korean dub to create a video with more going on beneath the surface than is immediately apparent: h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t ch ? v = g I g 2 P v 7 7 G 2 c Also, I've created some supplementary material for the story: a map showing the journey of the main character and a "playlist" of orchestral pieces that inspired each chapter. As certain of the music are character themes from ATLA itself, they can be a bit spoilerish, so I recommend not listening until you've read at least through Chapter 10. Map: h t t p : / / f a v . m e / d 5 o 1 0 w o Orchestral Soundtrack: h t t p : / / f a v . m e / d 6 j v d 9 3 Mai's Ramblings My first popular project was a comedic analysis of every ship in (or not in) "Avatar: The Last Airbender". Inspired by the hilariously negative "Zero Punctuation" video game reviews, this fic showcases the dour Mai ripping apart various canon, fanon, and crack pairings. This series originated on Avatar Spirit (ht t p : / / f o r u m s . a v a t a r s p i r i t . n e t / i n d e x . p h p ? t o p i c = 1 5 1 4 9 . 0), and it is there that you can enjoy the full experience, with added graphics and author-notes. If you're just interested in seeing the individual Ramblings as intended with a funny graphic at the top, you can also check out the series on deviantArt (h t t p : / / l o o p y 7 7 7 . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m / g a l l e r y / 6 9 9 4 0 6 6). Those who don't care to may still enjoy the fanart that has been produced for the fic: Screen Manipulation of Zuko in Spongebob boxers (from "Mai on... Kataang"), by Kyoshi Fan: h t t p : / / i 6 . p h o t o b u c k e t . c o m / a l b u m s / y 2 3 6 / a b i s h t u / z u b o b p a n t s . p n g Drawing of Fire Lady Mai and her opinion of Loopy777, by Archaes8: h t t p : / / a r c h a e s 8 . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m / a r t / M a i - o n - L o o p y - 1 0 1 4 5 5 9 6 6 Screen Manipulation of Mai promoting the fic, by Kyoshi Fan: h t t p : / / i 6 . p h o t o b u c k e t . c o m / a l b u m s / y 2 3 6/ a b i s h t u / M a i s R a m b l i n g s . p n g Drawing of Mai helping Loopy777 compose a Rambling, by Archaes8: h t t p : / / a r c h a e s 8 . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m / a r t / M a i - s - R a m b l i n g s - 1 0 3 1 7 7 1 0 5 Drawing of Mai and the ships she rambles about, by Shootingstar07: h t t p : / / i 3 6 . t i n y p i c . c o m / s c e 0 l z . j p g Logo/SigPic by PsuedoEthnic: h t t p : / / i m g . p h o t o b u c k e t . c o m/ a l b u m s / v 2 5 8 / j e t f i r e s p a m / M a i - R a m b l i n g s / m a i s r - s ig . p n g Mai spends some quality time with Loopy777, by Archaes8: h t t p : / / i 2 9 1 . p h o t o b u c k e t . c o m / a l b u m s / l l 3 0 3 / e r i k s s h i d e l e r / L o o p a i . j p g SigPics featuring Mai, by Butterfinger: Mai's Ramblings on TVTropes: h t t p : / / t v t r o p e s . o r g / p m w i k i / p m w i k i . p h p / F a n F i c / M a i s R a m b l i n g s |
A.D.Curtis (10) angrymermaids (0) AssaultSloth (5) AvocadoLove (46) Djinni of the Pen (24) Kimberly T (121) | Lavanya Six (5) LizBee (65) Lunatique (21) Maivry (6) Menamebephil (47) Private Fire (23) | Rasputin Zero (13) Sarapsys (29) The-Mad-Shippers (1) TheBlueFoxtrot A Samba (131) |