Poll: I've decided to start letting the readers motivate me to write. I want to, but I get distracted or discouraged. So here's the deal. I will try to update each story at least twice a year. But I'll prioritize the poll winners. The poll will be updated every two weeks on Sundays. I might pull a story from the lineup if I'm feeling stuck on the plot, but I'll put up a separate poll to help me get past any writer's block if readers want it back. All that being said, here we go. So, what story should I update next? (Note: Stories are listed with the world it's based in first in crossover stories) Vote Now!
Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, Naruto, Avengers, A Knight's Tale, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, One Piece, Frozen, Anime X-overs, and Game of Thrones. 07/26/2016 Remember that time I said I'd be updating more frequently because I had my own place? I lied. Right now I have my brother staying with me. By his very nature this means I don't exactly have privacy, even if he means well most of the time. Thus I am announcing a sort of/maybe hiatus for my stories until I can get some real peace in my place (or my brother moves out). If something really awesome strikes me, I might post it, but don't count on it. I'm sorry. Until further notice, this is That Guy signing off. 03/23/2016 Wow, it has literally been years since I decided to edit this. I look back now at some of the writing I started with and I'm embarrassed. Then again, even some of my more recent stuff can be bad at times. Oh well. Anyway, I apologize to anyone who reads my work. These last three years have sucked a lot, and I've been reading more than writing to try and keep my mind off reality. That is going to be changing in the near future as I am finally getting my own place. The isolation should make it much easier to work on my stories. Expect faster updates starting April 1st. I've also had a ton of different ideas bombard me, and I've got snippets of those lying around. I'll probably post them to a plot bunny story sometime soon. Finally, I want to thank those of you that decided to leave a review as well as those of you who left what would amount to a rating. Thank you for your support. 07/10/2009 Hey all out there. I'm planning on posting the first chapter of a time-travel fic I've been working on soon. It's by far my favorite type of story, with the exception of post OOTP fics, since I just don't understand the last two books. The idea for Horcruxes was brilliant and full of potential for sequels, yes, but the rest just felt like filler. I've also got a post OOTP fic that I'm working on. Hope to post it soon. If anyone would like to beta, please let me know. I'll appreciate any and all who ask. Thanks. 07/31/2008 Hello all reading this: While I do not wish to give out my name or other personal info (insert exclamation: "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"), I will say that I am a big fan of Harry Potter fanfics. I've read those following the Teen Titan series, Inheritance trilogy, Pellinor books, and a few random others, but I find my favorites are the HP fics. I detest all poorly written fics, any fic where no attempt at spell check was even made, and bad canon stories. In my opinion, you really shouldn't write a fic unless you either plan on changing at least one major or several minor parts of the story. That said, I have nothing against canon stories as long as you can make it interesting. I can't understand why someone would read a fic that is basically the book all over again with a few witty thrown in comments by the writer. I do not say author because I reserve that title for the original creator of the characters (J.K. Rowling for the Harry Potter fandom) out of respect for the work they put into them. I still don't see why Hermione went with Ron in canon without it being a far less extreme case of Stockholm syndrome - where a person gradually falls for someone that has caused much pain to them. The same goes for Hermione/Draco, Ginny/Draco, and - God forbid - Harry/Draco. Let's not get into the stories that use Lucius Malfoy or Severus Snape. I will never read Harry/Draco unless it is very, very, very well-written and thought out - there is one I can think of but I can't remember the name. 'Harry finds out Draco never meant it and simultaneously comes out of the closet'? NO. Not gonna work. Anyway that's all for now. |