Author has written 167 stories for Lord of the Rings, Kindred: The Embraced, Silmarillion, StarTrek: The Original Series, Hobbit, StarTrek: Voyager, Babylon 5, Andromeda, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Stargate: Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, TV X-overs, Queer as Folk, Cadfael, Buffy X-overs, Criminal Minds, Special Unit 2, Merlin, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock, StarTrek: Enterprise, Japanese Mythology, Miss Marple Stories, Crusade, Camelot, and Primeval. Update (2020): Just FYI: unless something happens to AO3 I won't be updating my stories here for a while. I'm fed up with the rudeness that has spread here and don't see why I should put up with that sort of abuse. 2017 - 06 - 17- Time for revising my profile, I guess... I am 68 and I've been writing fanfic and original stories for roughly 56 years by now, in different genres and different languages, of which English is only my third one. To many of my stories I have found a beta, to others I haven't, so there will be mistakes. Obviously. If you're offended by them, there are two things you can do: hit the Back button or volunteer to beta. Spellcheck and grammar check can only do so much for a story. However, I won't rewrite any of my stories, just because a certain sort of reader - one that seems to be multiplying on this site lately - disagrees with my view on characters or events. Newsflash, people: you are not paying me to cater to your personal tastes. I'm doing this for free, in my spare time, out of love - or frustration - towards the original, and I am old enough to know what I want to do and to form an opinion about the source material. If you have a different view on it, feel free to PM me, where I can actually answer, or to write your own story on the matter. But taking someone else's story apart because you would like to read a different one is NOT something I would call constructive. Also, before you start eagerly point out supposed errors in signed reviews, kindly check your canon facts first. I always do extensive research, long before I start writing, and having nonexistent errors pointed out to me is really annoying. I'm not perfect, obviously, but make sure you are actually right before you would start correcting me. For the record: I do intend to finish all my stories. And I will. Eventually. In the rare case that I might not, abandoned stories (one single piece so far) are clearly marked as such. Note: There are some elements in my Tolkien-related stories that have become rather popular and have been used by other writers. Still, they are not canon, and to avoid any misunderstandings, they are listed below. You are welcome to use them, but please give credit.
Reviewing policy: I usually review stories I like for some reason or the other. I can do so without reciprocation for quite some time. But after a while I grow tired of the one-sidedness and will stop. Unfortunately, that means that I don't review all that much in these days. |