Author has written 7 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Harry Potter, and Supernatural.
So I'm TimesUnfetteredImaginationBomb - yes it's a very long name but it does have a meaning! Its about a theory of sorts that I have but it's kind of silly.
Anyway I am officially addicted to reading fanfiction...it's quite a problem...but! until someone decides to have an intervention I will be here reading away. I have to say I enjoy stories with OC's the most - only problem with that is it's very hard to find good ones out there. I mean I'm trying to write one myself and it's questionable as well. Anyway's to all my readers I have a really tough time in sticking to a story so that's why most of my chapters are short. I'm trying to work on it but it'll take a while to finish everything. Sorry in advance - but I will say that reviews do give me an extra little push :) Anyways I'll just be lazying around so...see ya
P.S. I used to be TwilightFever-FutureCullen, but have changed my name. So if that helps any of you for whatever reason...there you go. Yes some of you hate twilight and no I'm no longer an obsessed Twilight fan (mostly because some of the other obsessed fans just made it uncool and troublesome) but I still enjoy the books and reading twilight fanfiction every once and a while...personally though Harry Potter will always be better not because of the story-line but because it's a way of life not just a series like Twilight.
i love loopholes :)
Girl Talk
Did you know... (yes I am the all powerful and know everything)
kissing is healthy. (unless they have a cold sore, in which case it is considerably not healthy)
bananas are good for period pain. (says who? The Doctor...Doctor who?...sorry couldn't help it)
it's good to cry. (unless you're depressed...in which case it's not good)
chicken soup actually makes you feel better. (unless you're allergic...but then again if you're a masochist have at it)
94 percent of boys would love it if you sent them flowers. (my dad likes flowers...but other than him 94 percent? Where are these facts coming from?)
lying is actually unhealthy. (proof? I lie all the time and I'm perfectly healthy...that's a lie but I'm still healthy *suddenly dies*...nvm)
you really only need to apply mascara to your top lashes. (ehh...too much work and I don't need to do anything)
it's actually true, boys DO insult you when they like you. (not really. If they really like you, they won't put you down because every person is worth so much more than that.)
89 percent of guys want YOU to make the first move. (I wonder where they get these statics...)
it's impossible to apply mascara with your mouth closed. (bet you a million dollars it isn't :)..)
chocolate will make you feel better. (My friend is allergic to chocolate...I can definitively tell you that Chocolate does NOT make him feel better)
most boys think it's cute when you say the wrong thing. (depends what you're saying...but I'm a girl so I wouldn't know)
a good friend never judges. (really? So if I were to just go and kill every body in the surrounding area for no reason at all - my friend shouldn't judge?)
a good foundation will hide all hickeys... not that you have any. (rereading this a year after I posted this...I wonder what I was thinking)
boys aren't worth your tears. (but true men are - or if they die in which case you can cry all you want and they are worth it.)
we all love surprises. (what kind?)
Now... make a wish. (oh...hmmm...I wish this crappy...whatever this is was over?)
Wish REALLY hard!!
WISH WISH WISH WISH (I think we got it)
Your wish has just been received. (oh? by who?)
Copy and Paste this into your profile in the next 15 minutes and... (hmm...why did I do this again?)
Your wish will be granted.
Your wish will be granted...*snort* yeah right.