I am...
A student in the US, called Lia or Liz or Elle, or just about anything you want.
Not subtle.
Fond of a lot of things and a lot of people.
Depressingly proud to say that I am a total geek and kick ass at Mortal Combat.
A pirate when I swear (cuss, curse, whatever).
A slave to music and dance, but have sadly realized I'm total shit at it.
In want of a dog.
Learning (or trying to learn) Italian, French, and Japanese. It's slow going...
Still in love Harry Potter and own up to loving Pokemon.
Fanatic over comics, manga, video games, and anime.
Addicted to crack pairings.
Wishing I had the willpower to finish what I start.
Nothing. There are a few works in progress, but nothing that I will be publishing as of yet.
I may be slow in updates, if it ever comes to that. Inspiration for me is the thing that grants an idea, but little past that. And even so, I'm still in school and I've got a boyfriend to keep me busy.