Poll: Who should the next chapter of Gestalt Quirks feature? I know there are more Gestalt robots but these are the ones I have thought up chapters for so far Vote Now!
Author has written 5 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Harry Potter, Finder Series, Transformers, and Okane ga Nai. Name: Rel Country:USA Interests: Transformers, Anime, Manga, Reading, Sugar Gliders Favorite Book: The Host by Stephanie Meyer (Way better then twilight I assure you!) Favorite Movie: Hairspray The story The Angels Diary is currently on hiatus. I started writing that a long time ago and I will not be adding any new chapters until I have the time to actually rewrite the entire story. I can also be found on... DeviantArt: http:/// Figment: http:///users/242083-Rel95 Tumblr: http:/// I highly recommend you read The MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE transformers comics. They are amazing and funny. You won't regret it. The art style is good and so is the plot. The characters make you fall in love almost instantly and there isn't a single issue that didn't make me laugh at least five times. You can buy these comics at any of the links below and also on Itunes if you have an Ipod touch, Iphone, or Ipad. http:///comics/series/transformers/more-than-meets-the-eye.html http:///search?TID=22578183 http:///sch/i.html_odkw=transformerscomics&adpos=1o1&MT_ID=71&crlp=23348792375_2416792&tt_encode=raw&_osacat=0&geo_id=10232&clk_rvr_id=432635584879&keyword=transformerscomics&adgroup_id=5724299375&crdt=0&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=transformerscomicsmorethanmeetstheeye&_sacat=0&_from=R40 http:///s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_20?url=search-alias&field-keywords=more http:///Transformers-More-Than-Meets-the-Eye-Ongoing/comics-series/7279 http:///store/search.asp?pl=16&q=morethanmeetstheeye I am not advertising this because I want them to make more money or anything. I am trying to raise awareness for these comics so more people will write fanfictions for my favorite characters and draw more fanart! So get reading and then get writing/drawing! Please! If anyone knows of anywhere else you can purchase these comics please tell me so I can add to the list. |
angelcakes19 (34) Camfield (47) Cardoor365 (0) Daniel Lazerus (12) | Don't Preach (15) KayDeeBlu (7) QoS (24) Setsuna24 (39) | ultharkitty (14) |
Community: | Gestalt Stories |
Focus: | Cartoons Transformers/Beast Wars |