Author has written 1 story for Twilight. Helloooo! Music grad student, here to bide/squander my time satisfying my ridiculous obsession with Twific. Gah. You can find me on Twi'd as MusicJunkie! :-D I never thought the day would come when I would post something of my own, but alas... through collaboration with my dearest Nic, we have come up with, "On the Inside of Love." A loose and slightly muddied Twilight play on Pretty in Pink! Yes, please fangirl with us over the awesomeness that was that glorious bit o' 80's magic! ON THE INSIDE OF LOVE: Playlist! Do it, people. Dew eet. Thread some stellar ladies started over at Twilighted! Rec on The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster blog. AHH! Nic's Post, so you can leave my bubb some love. :) I beta a wonderful, heartachingly beautiful fic penned by an even more wonderful lady, ahealthyaddiction: Disciplined Breakdown You should definitely check it out if you haven't already. :) |
bubbsquared (1) jennlynnfs (8) limona (1) | nicnicd (3) ninapolitan (0) qrstuv (0) vix2020 (9) | vjgm (6) xxSiLvErDrAgOnxx (6) |