Author has written 9 stories for D.Gray-Man, Code Geass, Naruto, and One Piece.
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Favorite Anime/Manga
D.Gray-Man, Code Geass, Buso Renkin, Fate/Stay Night, Übel Blatt, Aflame Inferno, Bleach, etc.
Anime/Manga, reading, playing video games, comedy (the world is a sad place, laugh while you can)
School, working, homework, school, exams, mushrooms, school, stupid people that won't leave you alone, school, teachers, and did I mention school?
About me
I enjoy reading and thinking up stories. I originally never intended to put my own stories in here, but eventually I just thought: Hell, why not? Not like anything worse than me screwing up can happen. When something interests me I work hard on it, but I am infamous for suddenly losing interest in something and just stop working on it. Just a warning. Of course, sometimes it can start to interest me again, so if I stop working on something, I might continue after a few months.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Okay, it's time to finally update this notice. I have survived my time in the military, and in fact I've left it a while ago. Only to find myself in university, where I have even less free time, and don't even get payed for it. My extremely long break in writing comes from a number of things. Real life issues, catching up with animes and manga, a period of time in which I, as I warned before, lost interest in writing, then some writer's block with my stories, coupled with countless ideas for new stories. Right now I have chapters for 20-30 stories on my computer, I just didn't feel like posting them. If there is any interest, I'll post short summaries of what those stories are about, and if people ask, I might publish one or two. Anyways, none of my stories have been abandoned, I would at least give plot-summaries if they were, so to all who asked: NO, YOU CAN'T ADOPT THEM! I can't promise when the next update will be, though I hope to get some chapters done within the next month or two. Maybe it'll be in a few days, maybe in eight weeks. I can't order my muse, and I just got Suikoden V and Bard's Tale for Christmas too... I'll do my best. Now, please stop sending me PMs asking if I died in war!
Within the Twilight
Morgan le Fey and Avalon's throne
Excalibur (looks like Durendal)
Mordred (blue eyes, white cross on forehead)
Mordred's armor
Crimson Sea
Madara's Wanted-poster (Thanks to Faroush for making this picture)
Guardians of the Seal
A New World
One, and only one Naruto-character of your choice lands in the world of One Piece. The only conditions: it can't be Naruto, and no yaoi. How the character lands there, and what he or she will do is all up to you. The character can make a name for him- or herself, join a pirate-crew, become a marine, or pull the strings from the background, if he stays single, gets a mate or a harem, if he eats a fruit or relies on his own innate skills, but he should still have his chakra. If you're interested, please send me a message so I can enjoy the stories, and give you credit.
Sniper Artist: Itachi
hangman1: Kakuzu
Discordia19: Hidan
Joshua Chung: Sasuke
Don'tMoveTheAerial: Haku
a very lazy person: Konan