Author has written 18 stories for Gargoyles, Star Wars, Transformers/Beast Wars, Rise of the Guardians, Big Hero 6, Gravity Falls, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, and One Piece. Sorry I haven't updated Legend lately. I have so much written for it, but quite a bit of the next chapter (more importantly, the beginning of the next chapter) is... not done. Unfortunately, fanfiction's a hobby and I only tend to write fanfiction when I a.) have time and b.) feel the desire to do so. I do, however, have the tendency to jump back into old fandoms so Legend's not as dead as you might think. For more fanworks, you might want to check my AO3 account. I'm Nike over there too. The first episode of my serial novel, The Fifth: First Iteration, is out in ebook format in ebook retailers everywhere, including Amazon and Smashwords. It's called The Fifth: First Iteration. Travler66 on A03 made me the awesome cover art for Big Heroes: A Few Seconds Difference and Gogo Tomago and the Roller Derby of Doom. If you'd like to see them in their full glory, follow the link: Fan Art! Father Knows Best is going to be a slow updater, folks, simply because it takes a lot out of me when I do work on it. I do have more written for it and I do plan on finishing it, so it's not dead. It's just slow and likely to be updated between 'episodes' of Big Heroes. For those of you wondering, I do have the Big Heroes stories all together as a series on AO3 but for those of you who prefer ff.n, here's the list: 1. A Few Seconds Difference 2. Gogo Tomago and the Roller Derby of Doom 3. The Opposite of Falling Big Heroes Oneshots (this can actually be read at any point in the series as some of the stories in it get referenced in the longer works) |