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Author has written 6 stories for Twilight. Some people have been visiting, so I feel like I should write something on my profile. My name is Allison. Summer Leah comes from my middle name. I live in Virginia, USA. I started reading the Twilight books and fell in love with Edward in a tiny, isolated boarding school in Montana. It was a little embarassing when I found out that I was just another in the very long line of fans . . . oh, well. I've been a fanatical reader all my life and although the Twilight books aren't my absolute favorite, I really like writing fan fiction about them. Until about a year ago, my favorite genre of books by far was fantasy, but since then, I've been reading a lot of trashy romances. I've loved Tamora Pierce's Tortall books since elementary school. For about a year, A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray was my favorite book. I really love dark fairy tales (all fairy tales, really) and other tales of faery, like the Holly Black Tithe books or Laurell K. Hamilton's Merry Gentry books. Many of my favorite quotes come from or are quoted in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder is a genius): We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams, there's no earthly way of knowing which direction we are going, she was a bad egg, etc. I have a ton of stories in-progress, and I'm a full-time student, which means I don't have as much time as I'd like to write. Therefore, I have to have priorities among my stories, which depend on how much people like them. So, if I don't get a lot of reviews or favorites or subscriptions for a story, I'm less likely to update it soon. I absolutely adore reviews! They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Oh, and I don't own any works for which I write fan fiction. Duh. This disclaimer applies to all my stories, so I'm not gonna write it for every chapter! Much Love, Allison. LINKS Bella's dress for chapter 6 of Something More: http:///Sparkle-V-Mini-Dress.php Bella's outfit for Chapter 9 of Something More: http:///fifi-the-french-maid-adult-costume-p-12682.html?osCsid=qkceip0i2kub5fbq6jhlpnc926 (although you can really just google French maid costume; they're all pretty generic) |
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