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![]() Author has written 36 stories for Ranma, Danny Phantom, Batman the Animated Series, Teen Titans, Kim Possible, Total Drama series, and Kingdom Hearts. Just a user who love to wirte fanfictions if anyone has a challenge for me as long as I know the storyline to it I will take on the challenge. Last but not least I never abandon my stories so if I don't update for a while it is either because I am busy or have the dreaded writer's block. hope you enjoy reading my works. Origin of my username- Kixen is a character I created some time ago (Don't have any artwork on my computer of her sorry XD) and was a character in the very first story I ever posted on the site which I deleted a long time ago. Origin of pic A requested drawing of my favorite Danny Phantom Pairing since the person was giving out prizes. My likes writing Fanfics, (hence the reason I became a member of a Fanfiction site) Playing Video games working my dream job. My Age N/A Favorite video Games Mother 1, 2, and 3 (Mother 2 's English name is Earthbound) Favorite manga Ranma 1/2 Pairings I like Ranma/Hinako Even though she does have the mind set of a child I still think she would be a better match then Ranma and Akane Ryoga/Akari While I like is pairing Ryoga still doesn't deserve her Ranma/Kasumi The very first Ranma fanfic I ever read was with this pairing it was the one that got me hook. Ranma/Ukyo They have been best friends since they were 6 and unlike Akane Ukyo doesn't beat Ranma into the ground over everything Ranma/Ryoga I read a fanfic with this pairing a few times and they were decent. So Yaoi as well as this pairing is ok in my book as long as it is well written Kodachi/Ranma Same as Ranma/Ryoga minus the Yaoi part. Pairings I don't like/hate Ranma/AKane While I can understand Akane is basically damaged goods due to getting the same treatment Shampoo did (Battle her and if you win you get to date her) to the point where she doesn't like boys, the way she treat Ranma at times urks me. There is no communication between the two of them and whenever Ranma makes a mistake she ends up punishing him without listening to what he has to say. Next there is no trust between the two them at all. While this is present between the two of them it shows more with Akane than it does Ranma. Throughout the manga and anime Ranma expressed and explained he wasn't romantically interested in the others yet Akane couldn't see this. Lastly the lack of consideration for the others feelings. While this is present on both ends a relationship without this won't be a good one. So while I don't hate Akane and can sympathize with her character without Communication, trust, or consideration for the other's feelings their relationship will crash in burn or be extremely rocky which has been shown throughout the Anime and Manga. Plus there are so many of this pairing as it is so I won't add anymore. Hinako/Soun Sorry but even though Hinako did fall in love with him She could do better then a man who cry's all the time and gets bullied by his youngest daughter. (No offense to Soun I actually like his character just not with Hinako) Plus he would never be able to give Hinako what she needs since he has never gotten over the death of his wife. Nabiki/Kuno While Nabiki is a black mailing girl who wouldn't think twice to back stab someone for the right price, she can do better then a guy thinks he is gods gift to women Kuno seriously needs to wake up and smell reality around him. Favorite cartoons So many I can't list them all but I will list a few Danny Phantom Invader zim (yay they brought back the reruns) Courage the cowardly Dog Swat Kats (Can watch on boomerang) TMNT (the 1988 version not the new anime reject one) Favorite Pairings (Danny Phantom) Danny/Desiree This pairing is my favorite pairing, and even though Desiree is so much older then Danny I bet they could find happiness together if given the chance. Danny/Kitty My second favorite pairing for Danny Phantom. Kitty was Danny first girlfriend believe it or not, and they have a lot of chemistry together. Nothing against Sam, but Kitty would make a much better match for Danny then Sam ever could. Danny/Ember Started liking it when I worked on my first Danny/Ember Fanfic it is my third/fourth favorite good guy bad girl pairing. Danny/Penelope While she is a bitch I actually like her character, and if worked right this pairing can shoot far in my book. Most hate her because she likes making people miserable, but she still has my love. Danny/Paulina While she had very little character development and is shown as the stereotypical queen B I still find the idea of Danny and Paulina being together quite cute. Danny/Valerie While she was in fact the angry hunter of the series she happened to be one of the few characters who not only had the most character development (with the others being Danny and his sister) But she was the only one who who can relate to Danny due to them both living double lives. Many knocked this pairing because "Oh how if she found out Danny fenton was Danny Phantom she would waste him" However Destabilized where she got her last bit of character growth changed that. If she can put aside her differences for Danny's half ghost clone long enough to help her she can do the same for Danny. Pairings I don't like, not to fond of and/or hate. Danny/Sam- Originally when I came into this fandom I avoided writing this pairing due to the massive amounts of Danny/Sam stories out there and was originally indifferent about this pairing, upon going into doing the actual research for fanfictions later on eventually began to loathe it. While my dislike of this pairing isn't like it used to be I still have great dislike for said pairing. I could write an essay on why I don't like/ship it but I will give the TL:DR version. While it may look cute and to some unique (Goth girl dating ghost boy) said relationship in my eyes is extremely toxic and at best unless their is massive growth that sticks (sadly the series lacked this with all but a few characters) at worst I see them crashing and burning big time and at best they would be in a very unhealthy relationship. While I have seen some very well written Danny/Sam fanfics that actually had both of them grow as characters (As they should in the canon like Valerie) the canon itself even if I said I would never write this pairing wreaked it for me. Vlad/Maddie- While there are a few decent Fanfics with these two paired together, Vlad and I repeat Vlad does not deserve Maddie. I believe his love turned to obsession I mean look at the Episodes Kindred sprints as well as the last 2 episodes. When you go as far as make your Maddie programs fight each other for you then you know that you are obsessed. Danny/Desiree/Ember- Yeah I know many of you may be thinking 'what the heck is wrong with you for not liking this pairing' but let me explain it. One this is my number will not write fanfiction as for the pairing I itself I don't hate it. When I wrote picking up the pieces I ended up putting these two together in a fight for Danny. Due to my biased being towards Desiree (Yeah I like Desiree more than Ember) but Ember being the main female character I was in conflict and with that choose not to write this pairing again. So if there is a story where Desiree is the main female with Danny Ember won't be in it and visa versa. Total Drama series Pairing I like (Fandom names will be used here CoCo- Yeah ever since I read candy for your thoughts this pairing has become one of my personal favorites Codsay- I find the two of them to be cute together in the stories I read. Plus both of them are 2 of my favorite characters. Codette- Yeah I love this pairing as well and lucky for me some of the best stories for this pairing is on the site. Owdrid- Haven't seen any of this one yet, but I always wanted to see one written. If done correctly it could be a cute pairing There are many others I like but I won't list them all. Pairings I am not too fond off Courtney/Duncan - The two of them while in season one were decent as it went on they brought out the worst in each other. Gwen/Duncan- Sorry but while many like this pairing the pain Courtney had to go through because of it made me not to fond of this pairing Noah/Cody- You let one joke get out in season one, and this happens. I never liked this pairing, and while i have nothing against yaoi pairings, these two seem more like the just friends type not boyfriend and boyfriend type. Scott/Dawn- I never saw these two working out and thank goodness the pairing with these two are at an all time low. REST IN PIECE TOONAMI. From beginning to the very end I was there. I will never forget. Tom and the Absolution A great Character and a funny host You will live on forever in this. If you were there for Toonami from the beginning to end and now wish to honor it post this on your profile. Zaara the black, jmasta32, Kixen Stories currently in the works Sleeping with the Devil (Chapter 13 of this work is up. might very well discontinue this one.) Death is only the beginning (being rewritten chapter 25 is up.) My first Valentine (Not sure when the next chapter of this is going to be made or posted) The doctor and the Bat A challenge request made by A Fan of Rongo Main characters for this will be bruce wance and harley quinn (Chapter five is up) Your loss is my gain (My first Kim possible Fanfic and a challenge taken chapter 14 is finally up) The halfa siblings (a story where Danny and Jazz are half ghosts and are raised by Pandora chapter 21 is up) My queen B (Another Danny/Paulina pairing chapter 10 is up) My girlfriend is the Harlequin (A story where Danny is Dating Harley Quinn Chapter 12 is up) Darkness without Light (A change in pace for me since this story will not be like most of my others Chapter 23 is up) Fairly odd couple (A total drama fanfiction with a Cody/Jasmine pairing. Chapter 5 is up) How I met my dancing flame (My very last Danny/Ember fanfiction. Chapter 13 is up) Sleeping with the devil 2 point 0 (A remake of what I originally had in mind for this. Chapter 15 is finally up) Tsuki no shita de yakusoku (Promise under the moon. A Danny/Desiree fanfiction I thought up for Valentines day. Chapter 5 is up) My Only wish (A story where Danny due to a wish from his mother end up in her past and must find a way to get back without screwing up the time stream Chapter 8 is up) Completed works I Dream of Desiree (A challenge taken up sometime ago is done) I Dream of genie (My 3rd Danny/Desiree fanfiction finally done) Underneath the mistletoe (My first Danny/Star fanfic finally complete) Danny Mclain after the honeymoon (Part three of the Danny Mclain Saga complete) Picking up the Pieces (Part four of the Danny Mclain Saga with Danny as a teenage dad.) My little secret ( my second Danny Kitty fanfic and Seriously we need more of this pairing. Complete with alternate endings) Danny Phantom meets Jerry Springer (The biggest crack pairing fanfic I have ever made also the second challenge I took from ATK now complete.) Make or Break (Another Challenge I made from DeadlyDaisy808) Heartbreak (My very first DP story where Danny and Kitty are the stars this site needs more Danny/Kitty pairings!) The Debate (The first challenge I ever took up read it trust me it rocks!) Danny Mclain (A challenge that I took up from Pii. In a nutshell the story is about how Danny get amnesia and ends up with one of his enemies. It is the longest one shot I ever made, but all those who like the Danny/Ember pairings I recommend reading it.) Danny mclain the honeymoon (A sequal to Danny mclain with tells what Danny and Ember did on their honeymoon.) Stories removed due to reasons beyond my control A not so shallow win (Removed a while back due to the purging of lemon stories don't have the data for this one sorry T_T) life or death (This one was removed due to it being extremely violent. Though I still have the data on this one) Authors who's work I believe you should look at for DP Pii, VeekaIzhanez, angel-feather-keeper, ghostgal4 imekitty. (She makes some of the best shallow Sapphire stories I have read) Works that are going to be rebooted in the future Danny one half (Story where Danny like a certain pigtailed material artist gets affected with a water based curse that gender bends him) Sorry this one I ran out of idea's for to follow the old style so I will reboot it with some old and newer ones. Meant to be a comedy with plenty of OOCness. Logic behind my some of the things I do in my writing style. Q Why do you always give Star the last name of Storm? A It sounds silly, but it because my favorite PSI Power in Mother 2 and 3 was the PSI Starstorm and since her first name was star and they didn't give her a last name I made it Storm. Q Why do you use Stage out when you finish a Chapter? A Every time a villain died in season four of Sailormoon (Japanese version) They would say Stage out. so I decided to use that. Q why do I always give Kitty the last name of Neko? A Simple Neko is Japanese for Cat so her name would be kitty cat get it? :D IF they had given Danny Phantom half the attention or money they give to the mutant retarded sponge, DP would be the top rated show. If you completely hate Nick for ending production on Danny Phantom, copy and paste this into your profile. DPDPDPDPDPDPDPDPDPDPDPDPDP1111111111 Update 10/27/2015 To let everyone know I am not dead. I am still on the face of the Earth, and I apologize for not writing. It has happened for the following reasons 1 School is keeping be really busy 2 Until I have free time I will putting up all my stories on one day out of the week if I done a chapter on them. update 2/6/2016 I am still alive and kicking. Like the previous update I am sorry for not writing. Been dealing with my own personal demons and trying to get over them along with trying to build a business. When I get a moment I will post a new chapter every so often. update 3/18/2017 still alive and kicking. update 9/4/2017 still alive everyone and kicking. Trying to work more on my older stories that haven't been updated within a year or longer at least. update 4/19/2018 Still here with you otherwise I wouldn't have made this update :P but now I am here to inform everyone that due to real life (unless I choose to do otherwise) I will be updating one story per month. Update 11/18/2018 As the other updates I am still here. However as mentioned in a few of my other updates I have a new job which as of late has been sucking a lot of the free time I used to have for my writing away. So updates will be much slower than they were prior to this change. Update 4/14/2019 Work still drains most of my writing time, but just letting you know I am not dead. My latest update proves this :P. I look forward to your thoughts suggestions, and challenges you throw my way. Update 10/1/2020 Still alive and kicking. dealing with Covid19 for now. Should be back on the horse soon. Update 8/13/2022 I am not dead. Still dealing with job hunting, as well as a big move soon, but I am still alive and kicking. |
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