Author has written 34 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Pandora Hearts, Soul Eater, Harry Potter, Durarara!!/デュラララ!!, Dragon Ball Z, X-Men: The Movie, and Elementary. "He's mad, bad, and dangerous to know." arie spooky witch queen with magical girl soul occasionally still hangs around this website 99% of my work on here is heavily edited wordvomit tends to write creepy shit, but trying to break that habit thiefshipping, pandora hearts, the marauders, sherlock holmes & superheroes generally just a trashy writer humanWent by the name the harlequin demon at one point & devilberry at another. i care about: friendship, blood, guts, glitter, anime, Chuck Palahniuk, Spider-Man, high heels, good books, cosplay, My Chemical Romance, Lindsay Lohan, cigarettes, Yami Bakura, comic books, my dog and black coffee. admirable people (see also: shameless advertising) Check me out on tumblr, it's a blog thats mostly for ygo but i will sometimes allow my own trash to clutter it. "where there is no imagination there is no horror." |
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