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Author has written 27 stories for Harry Potter, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Transformers, Sentinel, Teen Wolf, Captain America, Flash, Peter Pan, Angel, Avengers, and Arrow. For anyone asking in comments, I have not given up on any of my WIPs, however I give no guarantees as to when they'll be finished either. You can consider any WIP as "on hiatus" if you'd like. If I actually considered myself to be finished with them, I would mark them as "complete." For anything that is marked complete, do not expect a second chapter, usually my oneshots are exactly that - an idea that came to me due to a prompt or something else and is being written only for that. If I get the inspiration, there may be sequels to some of them, but that is not the norm so don't expect it. *Update 3/13 - For those reading my chaptered stories To Live and Grow Up and The Breeder, to answer your question, NO I HAVEN'T GIVEN UP ON THEM. And I apologize for the extremely long wait between chapters. Due to some pissy reviews on TL&GU plus real life issues, I got demotivated to work on it; Breeder I've actually had about a third of the chapter written for months but I actually did very little writing last year for anything. Hopefully, I'll be able to bring you updates for all my chaptered stories soon. I thank you all for your patience and the encouraging and positive reviews I've received for both. I am 30ish and married. I'm an avid reader, primarily paranormal romance/sci-fi/fantasy, though I do read a few mysteries and "young adult" books as well. I'm a huge Laurel Hamilton fan, I've read all of the Anita Blake and Meredith Gentry series, and I still love them, some are better than others, but you won't convince me to hate them as a whole, don't try. Got re-hooked on fanfics thanks to a friend of mine sending me a Harry Potter fic about Draco and Hermione and that was the beginning of the end lol. My Harry Potter faves tend to be of the Draco/Harry route or pretty much any with Fred and George (as long as they're happy stories, no killing off the boys). Also like Pitch Black, Transformers, Weiss Krusz, Saiyuki, Ronin Warriors, and some Twilight. I tend to read more slash fics than het, but really, as long as it's well written and interesting, I'll read about anything from any genre that grabs my attention. I also have a livejournal and ao3 account now, you can see stories I've posted here as well as stories not posted here and icons I've created. http:/// http:///users/jujukittychick * While I will still be posting my fics here, I am mainly on ao3 now * Any truly adult (M or NC-17 rated) stories I write will be posted solely at my AO3 or livejournal account because I don't want to deal with complaints. In general these will be stories that fall under my classification of "If you aren't old enough to legally watch porn where you live, you shouldn't be reading this". Posting Schedule - as I find inspiration to work on any of them Chaptered Stories in Progress - To Live and Grow Up: Harry/Peter. Harry Potter/Peter Pan crossover. Currently rated T, rating will probably change eventually, but it's going to be a while. On livejournal also. Generans Purus (The Breeder): Harry Potter/Malfoy males. Rated M. Beneath the Surface: Xander/Spike. Buffy:the Vampire Slayer/Anita Blake:Vampire Hunter crossover. Rated M. Xander winds up in a whole new reality and is forced to learn more about himself and his new world. At least he won’t be alone for long. On livejournal. Apocalypse of Pastry Proportions: Xander/Spike. Rated M. Xander's latest job is at a bakery. Spike loves pastry. On livejournal. You know you're obsessed with fanfiction when . . . You get confused between the actual story and the fanfic about it That you spent more time writing the fanfic than actually watching/reading/playing the thing you're writing for You make fanfiction for other people's fanfiction You probably read a fanfic that was longer that the actual book When u read a M rated fanfic, then read a romance novel claiming to have a harsh sex scene and you're like "I've read better sex scenes written by a 12 year old" When you get excited that your friend also has an account When you got disappointed when you read/watch/play something new and it wasn't on fanfiction When your computer doesn't have internet and you need something to do and you say "lets read some fanfics" but then realize that's on the internet then get mad When you have more than one account. Reviews on your fic can turn the suckiest week of your life and turn them into the best flippen dipped week u ever lived through When you feel all proud how your favorite category has one of the highest amounts of stories written When you someplace random and randomly come up with ideas for fanfic for no reason When you daydream bout a fanfic and plan it out all in your head, even wondering what people will say about it and if there are any flaws before you have the first chapter written yet When you write a fanfic and end up handing it in at school/college as an essay of some kind When you confuse fanfiction with real life... When you have read this list When you have read this list and thought of additions to it |