Author has written 6 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Gundam Wing/AC, Sailor Moon X-overs, Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, and Harry Potter. Here's my bio: Name: Mayuka or Heather Animes I love (not in any particular order): Arc the Lad Video Games I love to play: Favorite Story pairings: Rei/Heero (gw and sm) Stories Updatedness and Summaries: House Loyalties- My first Harry Potter fic ever! I'm really flying with this fic so far and I like it muchly. Anyway here's the summary: A fateful night lands both Harry and Pansy into detention...for a week. These detentions aren't quite...normal either seeing as Dumbledore's behind them to "improve house relations" and so they're in for one hectic ride! Both are just about to realize the other isn't quite who they thought they were and even if they could fall in love by some fluke...what if house loyalties step in? Progress: Chapter 7 is up today! 3/04/06 _ I really suck at updating don't I? Anyway hope you like! Next chapter is about the ball. Tired of Normal- Another new story, yea yea, I keep starting new ones before updating my current ones. So kill me. about not. This story is about Minako, Hotaru and Rei. Minako and Hotaru are basically goody-goodies and then the punk chick Rei, moves in next door. She teaches them how to be rebels and she introduces them to the gundam boys, her best friends and the two girls fall in love. She gets them to join her gang and the girls are caught in a spiral of gangs, love, and getting an attitude. This is my favorite story so far so hopefully updates will be frequent. Progress: It's so about time that I updated to Chapter 15. I think I last updated this like...a year ago. I epically FAIL at life. Worlds Apart - Progress: working on chapter 2 Dreams and Reality Intertwined- Progress: Writer's Block on this one, I'm thinking of either rewriting it, or dumping it completely. Faded Photos- Progress: I . kinda working on this one... It's not my furthest along story anymore, but you all seem to like it. I might pick it back up after I finish more of Tired of Normal. A Life to Live- Progress: Working on chapter 3 someday/as in like never I reread my second chapter and about died because I hated it. No Way In Hell: Story Ideas: I have quite a few and all of them are GW/SM or CCS. I'm going to get started on some of them and write out a few chapters before posting. I have to get out more chapters of my other stories as well though, we'll see how it goes. I have at least 12 story ideas running through my head at the moment... well yea. I don't want them all out at the same time or uploading and creating chapters would be a nightmare for me. Note: I hope you like my stories I support Duet Maxwell! |
Community: | Shinimigami |
Focus: | Misc Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon |