![]() Author has written 7 stories for Lord of the Rings. Hi there, Now, what can I say about me? I re-connected some time ago with Fanfiction.net after a long, long absence and got myself a new penname, new profile and everything. I used to be known as 'freddie loves frodo' on the site but couldn't get back into the damn account so here I am with my new name and whole new set of stories some five years later. Obviously, given my posted fics, I love Lord of the Rings. Love it, love it, love it!! My 'epic' story Sold Into Ruin is at last complete and I am thrilled with how many people have commented on how much they enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who read it and and left a review. I have finally finished posting my first LOTR Mpreg Sanctuary.'The War of Light and Shadow' is at last complete; although that went on much longer than I had imagined. The latest addition is Fear Itself a brand new story. Something I have never tried before: horror. Of course, I still have several other stories on the go as well. A warning: I write LONG stories. I just cannot write short stories and when I try they always develop into epic ones over fifty chapters (Sold Into Ruin was supposed to only be a few chapters long and look what happened to that!) Here are a few things I am working on at the moment. They're in varying states of readiness and I'm not sure which one will be finished first - or even if all of them will be published - but I thought I would share them with you all the same. In Progress (sort of): Forbidden Forest: When a young Legolas gets lost in the dangerous Mirkwood Forest his very life is in peril until he finds unexpected help from a stranger. Can he trust this odd person or not? And on top of that, Thranduil gets a surprise from his past. I've been working on this for a very long time and haven't really gotten very far with it to be honest. Maybe one day... Taken (Working Title): Legolas is stolen away from his home by an unknown kidnapper. They ask for no ransom from the King but keep Legolas locked in darkness throughout most of his childhood. His kidnappers have something else in mind though... Forbidden Love (Working Title): Glorfindel and Legolas have to keep their relationship secret from an unhappy Thranduil. When Legolas falls pregnant, Thranduil shows his true colours. Can the loving couple ever be together again or is it really a forbidden and impossible love? Life's Lost: On a hunting trip in the Mirkwood Forest, Aragorn and Legolas get attacked by Orcs, who take the prince of Mirkwood from his friend. Ten years later, during the War of the Ring, they are reunited but not in a way Aragorn would have hoped. 'Untitled' Lord of the Rings Adventure Fic: Aragorn gets stranded after an accident with his tutor Legolas. Both learn a lot about one another and learn to be friends through adversity. This one I am working on at the moment. Just a little worried it is too similar to 'Light & Shadow' right now. Lost Prince: After finding an Elven child and raising him as his own, two humans find themselves in unexpected danger, leaving their son to return to his previous life. Another one I've been working on since I started FF. I'm also working on another story. Something I have never tried before, centring around the Fellowship and the Quest of the Ring. I don't even have a title for it yet but the first three chapters are ready to go. This might very well be the next thing I put up. If I ever get some free time to work on it!!! Anyway, watch this space for these future fics. I love to read LotR fics, especially ones revolving around Legolas and his family and relationships and I'll admit I do have a kind of perverse weakness for Legolas Mpregs. I just can't get enough of them and have even written one myself - check out 'Sanctuary'. I also love anything written about the Elves of LotR, in particular anything that involves them getting into dangerous, angsty or tragic situations. And I'm certainly not opposed to a little (or a lot of) slash here and there (although for some reason I just can't seem to write it). OK, I can only apologise if this is the most boring bio you've ever read but please don't let it put you off reading my stories, I'm just not very good explaining myself. I love the thought of people actually taking the time to read what I've written and that my work is out there for all to see and even better that people decide to comment on it. Anyway, click onto one of my stories and give it a read and, if you want, add a little review. I love to get them and love hearing from all my reviewers. Thanks so much. Later...Freddie23. |