Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter, and Saved By The Bell. hello! you have somehow managed to stuble your way through the internet and found my profile. yay!here's a little about myself: i'm from New York but i live in the south now and i'm a HP fanatic. i read the books over and over again and my favorite is PoA (2nd favorite OotP) i love to write and i have a livejournal: /users/xxstar_lit_path. i also have a xanga (link above) so check it out. i've recently updated Again after a hideously long time. i'm currently determined to finish that story because i have the last two chapters (13 and 14) written just not chapter 12. i'm also working on New Beginnings. the beginning of it is kinda romantic comedy but believe me, by the end it will get angsty so look forward to that! i'm a drama nerd too. it's hard for me to write during the school year because i'm always staying after school working on one thing or another for my drama department. either that or i'm doing my homework or studying or something. anyways, check out my fanficts and don't forget to review! i recently discovered that there is finally a Saved by the Bell catagory!!! :-D i've reposted all of my old stuff in that catagory so now fans can find it easier. i love Saved by the Bell. That and Harry Potter are my ultimate obsessions. i might even post new chapters for my SbtB stories cuz i think i wrote all of them a while go. i'll still work on the HP ones, don't worry! -- i'd like to thank the following for putting me or a story i wrote on their favorites list/author alerts list: chloezoegwen |