Author has written 15 stories for Bones. I love stories. All stories. I read them voraciously. I obsess about characters on TV. I love nothing more then telling a tale about the funny things around me to the ones I hold dear. I think stories are what makes us in our essence human. The ability to tell tales both true, and fantasy, the best are a little of both. I am not a writer, I am a teacher, I am a story teller. I have said that teaching is acting with dental coverage. It is true. Everyday I engage my students weaving intricate tales that just might help them better understand the subject at heart. As a teacher I should care more about spelling and grammar. But as a storyteller I sometimes get caught up in the moment. I forget the rules of the English language and instead am ruled by my heart. Perhaps that is the joy of fanfiction. I have a tendancy to latch on and obsess with it. Right now I am totally and completely head over heels in love with the show BONES. I am sure that my writing gives this secret away. I come here to release the images that fill my mind whenever it is at rest. Constantly spinning one scenario or another. It is a release to write them down. To type them out if you will. I hope that something in them touches others. Check out my twitter Missmary424 |