Author has written 51 stories for Dark Angel, Twilight, Doctor Who, Hunger Games, Avatar: Last Airbender, Once Upon a Time, Thor, Sleepy Hollow, Gotham, Jurassic Park, and Star Wars. Hi, I'm audreyii_fic, and I've been writing fanfiction clichés since 1996. Sometimes I go on the wagon for years at a time, but I never stay sober. I'm doomed to support sunken 'ships: Max/Alec, Sawyer/Kate, Jacob/Bella, Gale/Katniss, Zuko/Katara. My endorsement is the kiss of death. With regards to the aforementioned source material: I'm okay with Dark Angel, I love/hate LOST, I like Hunger Games and Avatar aside from their endings, and I detest Twilight. (No, I don't understand either.) I love -- love -- reviews. I squeal like a little girl when they show up. Often I don't respond to them individually because they don't thread and that makes me sad, but trust me, I read them and I appreciate them and I snorgle you all. *mass snorgles* (If you are interested in getting pathetically detailed responses to your thoughts, feel free to hang out at my base of operations on LJ. I never shut up.) Due to the purge, certain fics are no longer available on FFn. Erotic stories can still be found at: |
Ashfae (41) | saywheeeee (20) |