Hey, I'm a high school teacher who should know better! Follow me on Twitter:- http://twitter.com/sophiejax for teasers and update info. *I am not allowing any translations of any of my works. Thank you for your understanding.* *UPDATE* As some of you may or may not know, I am publishing A Pound of Flesh June 2015. It's been an amazing journey, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Unfortunately, due to reasons out of my control, I have had to delete all of my fics from here. They will not be available anywhere else. It was a heartbreaking but necessary decision, and I hope you understand. Thanks again. It's been a pleasure xxxx A Pound of Flesh Follow PunkAssWard (PAW) on Twitter:- http://twitter.com/PunkAssWard Thread for A Pound of Flesh http:///forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=9679&p=998085#p998085 A Pound of Flesh won:- 'Best Written FF of the Year so Far' at the Twilight All Human Awards. Sept '10. 'Most Original Story' at The Hidden Star Awards. Sept '10. 'Best Lemon' at The Sparkleteer Awards. Dec '10 'Best Plot' at The Sparkleteer Awards. Dec '10 'Most Seductive Tease' at The Sparkleteer Awards. Dec '10. 'Best Worth the Wait Lemon' at The Golden Lemon Awards. Feb '11. 'Most re-read Lemon' at The Golden Lemon Awards. Feb '11. 'Best Make-Out' at The Golden Lemon Awards. Feb '11. 'Best All Human' at The Faithful Shipper Awards. April '11. 'Vesatility Award' at The Faithful Shipper Awards. April '11. 'Hall of Fame Award' at The Avant Garde Awards. July '11. Thank you so much to all who voted. Come join the PAW Princesses chat room:- http:///r/4n2 Peaches' dress from the club Chapter 22:- http:///wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Ellie_backless_back.jpg Peaches' Halloween costume. Aye Carumba! Chapter 29:- https:////merchantmanager/images/uploads/dirty_1.JPG Cullen's beach house. Chapter 32:- http:///Listings/17409.htm Help Wanted Edward's house Chapter 5 http:///property/1066597780-8581-Hollywood-Blvd-Los-Angeles-CA-90069 Bella's dress for the Fox dinner Chapter 9 http:///Unique-Boutique/Unique-Boutique-Ruffle-Strap-Fitted-Midi-Dress/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=571188&cid=5186&Rf-200=4&sh=0&pge=10&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Black Alice's dress for the Fox dinner Chapter 9 http:///Asos/Asos-Drapey-Cut-Out-Shoulder-Dress/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=500103&cid=5186&sh=0&pge=2&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Black Edward's suit for Fox dinner Chapter 9 http:///images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/2264287/DIOR83191_Full.jpg Bella's outfit for the BBQ at ALice's house Chapter 17 http:///product/39606 Bella's dress for the wrap party at the Cullen's house Chapter 18 http:///product/40835 Carlisle and Esme's house Chapter 18 http:///images/nicehome.jpg Alice's outfit for the wrap party Chapter 18 http:///product/37984 Rosalie's outfit for the wrap party Chapter 18 http:///product/39616 Edward's outfit for the wrap party Chapter 18 http:///bmz_cache/b/bf52375b49d2676d44faa320a311238f.image.450x450.jpg Bella's dress for the premier Chapter 20 http:///product/36880 The Berkeley Hotel Chapter 28 http:///luxury_suites_rooms.aspx The pendant for Bella's birthday Chapter 29 http:///Shopping/Item.aspx?fromGrid=1&sku=22110799&mcat=148210&cid=287465&search_params=s5-p15-c287465-r201323351-x-n6-ri-ni0-t#p63-n6-cgviewPaged-c287465-s5-r201323351-t-ri-ni0-x-pu-f Bella's birthday/London Eye/Premier dress Chapter 29 http:///victoriasbridalcouture1/_images//2514F.jpg Bella's birthday night club dress Chapter 31 http:///product/41588 Bella's 'Tinkerbell' outfit Chapter 37 http:///wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Sequined-Sprite-Adult-Costume-300x300.jpg Alice's 'Alice' outfit Chapter 37 http:///photo/253627737/Sexy_Adult_Costume_Alice_in_Wonderland_Clubwear.jpg Rosalie's 'Goldilocks' outfit Chapter 37 http:///WebRoot/BT3/Shops/Store3_002E_Shop2085/467D/8A83/3862/B0AC/FA68/AC10/3D29/388D/gold.jpg Seth's 'Gangster' outfit Chapter 37 (very hot!!) http:///images/coquette/sexy-gangster-costume.jpg Angela's 'Cinderella' outfit Chapter 37 http:///mgen/merchandiser/32508.jpg House on Lake Como Chapter 38 http:///photo/4724696-lg.jpg Alice's bracelet Chapter 39 http:///Assets/AstleyClarke/products/P/1/1/P11406_a_p.jpg Carlisleand Esme's anniversary present from Bella Chapter 39 http:///images/products/L11508455.jpg Bella's dinner outfit Chapter 39 http:///product/46377 Edward's Harley (wafts face with hands erratically) Chapter 39 http:///f/8777594w750st0/0607_hbkp_03z2002_harley_davidson_road_kingsidekick_custom_seat.jpg Bella's dress for C & E's party Chapter 40 http:///images/products/47227/47227_fr_l.jpg Hotel in Italy Chapter 42 http:///restaurants-bars Bella's opera dress Chapter 42 http:///product/47012 Bella's bangle/bracelet Chapter 42 http:///Shopping/Item.aspx?sku=GRP00492&mcat=148204&cid=287458&fromGrid=1&search_params=s1-p2-c287458-r101323341-x-n6-ri-ni0-t The Teatro alla Scalla Milan, Italy Chapter 42 http:///eb-media/42/117242-004-4236E991.jpg Bella's teddy Chapter 43 http:///commerce/onlineProductDisplay.vs?namespace=productDisplay&origin=onlineProductDisplay.jsp&event=display&prnbr=EC-202852&cgname=OSSLPTEDZZZ&atp=a Edward's Ferrari http:///img/Ferrari/Hamann-Ferrari-599-GTB-manu-07_04-1024.jpg Bella's Wedding dinner (Edward's wet dream) dress Chapter 48 http:///images/products/45134/45134_ou_l.jpg Bella's MoH dress Chapter 49 http:///blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/bridesmaid-dresses-0001.jpg Angela's wedding dress Chapter 49 http:///images/products/5900/5900-mz.jpg Bella's dress for Jasper's birthday Chapter 53 http:///images/products/61914/61914_ou_l.jpg Alice's dress for Jasper's birthday Chapter 53 http:///images/products/61724/61724_ou_l.jpg Edward's outfit for Jasper's birthday Chapter 53 http:///feed/uploads/1242408749_orig_reid.jpg The Peninsula Hotel, Beverly Hills Chapter 53 http:///Beverly_Hills/en/default.aspx Bella's engagement ring Chapter 54 http:///Verragio-Engagement-Rings/Classico-Engagement-Rings/CLASSICO-0356-enlarged-707.jpg Edward's wedding band Chapter 57 http:///shopping/Item.aspx?fromGrid=1&sku=GRP01739&mcat=&cid=288177&search_params=s5-p2-c288177-r101323340-x-n6-ri-ni0-t Bella's engagement outfit Chapter 57 http:///images/products/61725/61725_ou_l.jpg Bella's wedding band Chapter 57 http:///Verragio-Engagement-Rings/Classico-Engagement-Rings/CLASSICO-0356-enlarged-707.jpg The lake Chapter 59 http:///toronto-high-park-on-ca/files/2009/07/highpark-reservoir.jpg Bella's wedding dress Chapter 59 http:///assets/tmpl_images/jim-hjelm/collection_summary_image-jim-hjelm.jpg Edward's wedding suit Chapter 59 (click 'full size image' and open file) http:///imgres?imgurl=http:///file.php3Ff3DjHx5E5.vqNYdE.924&imgrefurl=http:///supplier_mens_formal_wear_sa_ferrari_formalwear&usg=_gvdM2S2CF-za2p21ShXGYLD8SEw=&h=339&w=255&sz=21&hl=en&start=6&sig2=_1ljGTT3hiTH-ct3bxrN6g&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=w11H5nI7VQ-ijM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=90&prev=/images3Fq3Dwedding2Bsuits26um3D126hl3Den26sa3DN26rlz3D1T4RNWN_enGB217GB21826tbs3Disch:1&ei=AIaAS7DwIY6UjAfzyImsBA The Meadow Chapter 59 http:///desktop/wallpaperimages/29200-r-1920-1200-meadow-forest.jpg Alice's dress Chapter 59 http:///is/image/VeraWang/15M31-LAM-BLK?PIP400X400 Angela's dress (MoH) Chapter 59 http:///is/image/VeraWang/22M09-SAT-BLK?PIP400X400 Bella's after wedding outfit Chapter 59 http:///images/products/65383/65383_ou_l.jpg Bella's car (I want one!!) Chapter 59 http:///albums/jj146/feudal22/ferrari_california.jpg Nat King Cole 'Unforgettable' Chapter 59 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDN5rG3wLa4 Bella's Oscar dress The Epilogue http:///images/products/65530/65530_ou_l.jpg HUGE thanks to EccentricShadow for creating a fabulous all singing, all dancing play list for Help Wanted. You can listen as you read here. The list of songs in chapter order is in Chapter 62. |
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