Author has written 167 stories for Take the Lead, X-Men: The Movie, Secret Garden, Misc. Movies, X-Men, Mandie series, X-Men: Evolution, Excalibur, Roswell, La Femme Nikita, Divergent Trilogy, Awake, Avengers, Anne of Green Gables series, A Wrinkle in Time Trilogy, Bourne series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Mission: Impossible, Captain America, Misc. Books, Leverage, and Jane the Virgin. WHISPERS: http:///index.html whispersandstories dot weebly dot com TWITTER: twitter dot com slash lianamir1 LIVEJOURNAL: http:// scribble-myname dot SFF FICTION: http:// lianamir dot com NEW FICTION & CROSSPOSTING: http:///users/scribblemyname/works archiveofourown dot org slash users slash scribblemyname All right. Here I am, back again with a new username, someplace I thought I'd never be. I've written Roswell and Andromeda to death and did a good job too, but those stories are over and done with and won't be reposted (for those who know me). Now, I'm back for a little while at least. Many of my stories do not have disclaimers. If you recognize it (and sometimes, if you don't), it doesn't belong to me. I write in crazy order and I have tons of fics. If it's abandoned, it will be clearly marked as DISCONTINUED. If it's marked complete, do not ask me to continue. I've got enough on my plate and I won't. If you want your favorite fic updated now, sorry to say this, but I've got over twenty other WIPs to attend to. I'll get to it when I can. I love all my readers, and I wish I could make you all happy all the time, but I have a very busy real life, and I don't write as fast as I used to, and I don't intend on abandoning anything no matter how long it takes me to get back around to it. You are forewarned. • You do not need to ask my permission to podfic, translate, create art for any fanwork I have created. You should credit me and include a link back to my work. And please let me know because I'd love to see it. • Please contact me before remixing or creating secondary fanfic of fanwork I have created. I will probably say yes, but I would like the opportunity to say no on some of my works. |
tags in there which would be bad if it reads them bad and....shut up Michelle.X-Men - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 669 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 2 - Published: 9/8/2000
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