Author has written 42 stories for Angel, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Digimon, TV X-overs, and Harry Potter. It's been a long time since I updated this so I probably should. Theshort and the long is, I don't actually post here anymore. are not really a place that I like. I'm not currently deleting what's here because that might upset people. But I do not post anything new. I'm still posting at other places but not here. These places are: I have two accounts here. The first one is my real life/current fanfiction journal which is linked to above. The second one links to where I now repost my old Digimon fics. I no longer write Digimon because my Muse effectively was shot through the head. This (due to website problems) is the only place that I can repost my Digimon works. If you do want to read my old works, do stop by. http:///users/eclipse_fics/ If you want to get an LJ to keep an eye on them better, it's free and there are instructions on the site. Enjoy them. They will be reposted slowly. I also post Harry Potter and Getbackers works at . (http:///archive/authors.php?no=268) You can stop by there too if you want. Harry Potter drabbles are posted in my Livejournal, the link to which is at the top. If you go to my profile, you can find a link to every drabble I've written. My Harry Potter fic, Under Your Spell, is currently only aviliable at . (http://./authorLinks/Empress_Of_The_Eclipse/Under_Your_Spell/ ) I haven't updated for a while but I will. Promise. I also have things posted at although I haven't posted there for ages. I find it too annoying to update to. So feel free to drop by as some things there aren't up at my other places yet but I probably won't be updating what's there any time soon. (http:///fanfic/src.php?auth=60062) So that's it. The end of an era. If you want to follow me - I'd love that. If not - I will understand. Enjoy yourselves. Love your fanfics. Be happy. :) |