Author has written 1 story for Twilight. Hellllo everyone! My name is Katie, I'm 33, and I'm officially addicted to fanfiction. Interests: Apple Snapple, awkward silences/awkward situations, boys who can sing, bubbles, candles, cheesy movies, Coca-Cola, cookie dough, daydreaming, Derek Jeter, Disney world, family, friends, getting snail mail, hockey games, inhaling helium balloons, ipod playlists, journaling, lime things, making new friends, movie marathons, musicals, naps, NY Yankees, photography, pixie sticks, playing the piano, pointless conversations, popcorn, procrastinating, puddle hopping, rainy afternoons, reading, reality TV, singing, softball, stalking people online, swimming, thunder storms, TIVO, traveling, TWILIGHT, vacations, youth group. FANFICS I CAN READ OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Parachute—KitsuShel This is Not My Life—IsaKassees The Cannabean Bethrothal—ItzMegan73 Bella Swan: Kidnapper—kambria Rain Take the Ice—Bellamarie117 Through The Flames-- SparklingTwilight Beyond Time—Tkegl Femme Docs and Kevlar Knights—a Cullen Wannabe Time Will Tell—december jinx Try—shellshock81 Passing By—deltaswan90 Only Human—amethyst Jackson Girls Just Wanna Have Fun—luv2beloved Faking It—spanglemaker9 Leaves of Grass—nauticalmass Tides of fate—sparkingtwilight The Port Angeles Players—writeontime Atonement--betterinTexas Across the Ocean—annilaia Going for Gold—bethaboo The Threads Of Our Souls—untamed loner Persuasion—carribbeanLady Do No Harm—aylenBc |
2brown-eyes (65) An End Has A Start (16) AngelAtTwilight (6) BetterinTexas (23) Brindalyn (10) coldplaywhore (40) cosmogirl7481 (25) dryler (3) eddiejazz (6) Etrnl (0) | ItzMegan73 (5) Jayeliwood (0) kinkytwilight (0) kitkat681 (40) linnybug (10) mama4dukes (27) Mk Marie (11) Mrs.TheKing (4) muggleinlove (21) Nollie Marie (36) Queenbeth2 (26) Ruby-Wednesday (12) | SarahJayneFics (2) socact (5) SparklingTwilight (10) SydneyAlice (17) Theadosia57 (114) theladyingrey42 (31) vjgm (6) wolfpgirl (3) xxsparklesnick (6) |