Author has written 193 stories for Titan A.E., DarkWing Duck, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Atlantis, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Newsies, Enchanted Forest, Re-Animator, Lost, Office, StarTrek: Enterprise, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Wreck-It Ralph, Thor, and Avengers. This account is on permanent hiatus. Please come find me on AO3, where I will be continuing to post new work. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Luckily, I'm old enough that wasn't around for my early outings, or my middle school outings, or...well, you get the point. Everything here was written in high school or later. I've never removed anything from this site, so everything you see is everything that I've felt worthy of putting in the public eye since 2000. Doesn't mean I'm still proud of all of it, but I keep it as a record of my growth to remind myself to keep writing. I'm an unrepentant shipper. If I like something enough to write fanfiction for it, I'm (probably) shipping a pair that like only 3 other people ship. So hey, if you're one of those 3 other people, drop me a review! I live in the Minneapolis/St Paul area of Minnesota, and have lived in the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland and England), which still has a pretty firm hold on my heart, and Tallahassee, Florida. My other loves include archaeology, music, Disney parks, drawing (when I'm doing it okay, otherwise I hate it), travelling, reading, and football. You can find me on Twitter @AuroraWest and on tumblr here. And you should read my lovely wife's fanfiction! Her name is windsett and she's amazing! My Wreck-It Ralph fanfiction takes place mostly within the same universe. If you're looking for the order in which to read it, see below. The others are oneshots that don't rely as heavily on the narrative I've established in these. How to Reprogram Your Life (oneshot) What I'm currently working on: Do No Harm (Thor/Doctor Strange/MCU): Completed and currently posting. The first in my sprawling post-Endgame Loki series. Sleight of Hand (Thor/Doctor Strange/MCU): A post-Endgame, Loki Lives! fic, also starring Doctor Strange and Jane Foster. The Real Asgardians of the Galaxy (Thor/Avengers/MCU): a multi-chapter, post-Endgame fic about Loki and Thor, which will probably be nullified by canon once "Loki" begins airing, but I have to entertain myself somehow for a year and a half. More MCU stuff: I plan to write a sequel to The Real Asgardians of the Galaxy, as well as a Loki/Strange slow burn. There's a half-baked idea for a Thor & Wong bromance fic in my head, too. WIR fic 5: What it says. Multi-chapter fic that follows The Rest of Forever in my fanon continuity. This one was intended as a short-ish fic but ballooned. WIR fic 6: See above. Probably about half done? Other post TRoF Wreck-It Ralph stuff: There are seventh and eighth fics planned. Things get kind of wild. Darkwing Duck stuff: I'm re-writing my original Darkwing Duck trilogy (originally written in 1999/2000). My plan is to extend the original trilogy out into an ongoing series. Currently 'working' on the second in the series, Dangerous Type. Sincerely, the Phoenix (Harry Potter): Still working. Someday this will be finished, I swear! It's not abandoned. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine stuff: I've been working on this fic about Eris's spying career for years now. Again, someday, I'll finish. Atlantis stuff: I have an in-progress oneshot. Ships: MCU Loki/Stephen Strange Wreck-It Ralph I ship the Sugar Rush racers AS ADULTS in these pairings. King Candy/Taffyta Deep Space 9 Weyoun/Eris Atlantis Vinny/Audrey Competitions I've won: Hospitalisation Horror by Hermione's Harmony |
Altariel (124) Arahiril (15) Cheezey (29) fmpsimon (47) | Lady Wenham (14) lyin (22) Malvolia (135) Merfy (11) | mudgems (13) MysticIris (13) The Lauderdale (18) Windsett (15) |