Author has written 8 stories for Twilight, and Queer as Folk. October 2010 : I argued for OIW for quite some time, making my promises that the story would be revived at some point. That may still be true, but it will not be in the foreseeable future. I apologize sincerely to everyone who has messaged me and believed in this story -- and I thank you truly for your support. Unfortunately, real life has just made the completion of this story impossible for now. I do not authorize anyone else to complete the story on my behalf, and I will not be reposting the old chapters for the time being. If I ever do find the opportunity to finish the story, it will be posted here and the older chapters will reappear. As of right now, I will not be writing, posting, or betaing other fanfics either. Thank you again for all of your love and patience. I'm sorry I couldn't uphold my end of the bargain. Oh, Inverted World thread at LTT here, or the Twilighted forum thread for the story here. LolaShoes recced OIW on The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster on August 8, 2009 here. OIW was reviewed by The Fictionators on June 19, 2009 here. The national Be the Match Bone Marrow Registry: The Indie Twific Awards Oh, Inverted World was nominated in four categories (Best AU/AH WIP, Best Use of Comedy WIP, Best Music Inspired WIP, Best Original Character WIP - Father Corwin) and won for Best Use of Comedy WIP and Best Original Character WIP (Father Corwin). Thank you so much to everyone who nominated and voted, and special thanks to Gustariana and hmonster4 for putting together such a great event! Love Through Lemons: Oh, Inverted World-What Would Edward Do? won third place in the Love Through Lemons contest hosted by LolaShoes and tby789. It was discussed on the Twigasm Podcast featuring the winning announcements. Thank you to both Lola and C for hosting such a fun contest! |