Author has written 55 stories for Emergency, and Adam-12. I've been a fan of Emergency! since it was on back in the 70's. I was only a young kid when it was on, but remember it fondly. I hadn't really thought much about it until 2000, when it was on TVLand. The first episode I saw on TVLand was the Snakebite episode and I was immediately transported back in time to when I was 7 years old again...ahhh...the good old days. Then in 2004 or somewhere around there, I got my first computer and went surfing the net. To my great joy, I discovered fanfiction and I was hooked. I enjoyed reading the stories so much, that I would email the authors and tell them how wonderful a particular story of theirs was. I had been writing stories for years, not E! stories, but fiction, nonetheless since I was about 12 years old. I loved writing but would never share my stories with anyone, too embarassed I guess. But, there were several very kind writers out there who encouraged me to write E! stories and submit I did. It was a liberating experience for me...and I was hooked. And now, I encourage everyone to write. I wrote my first fan fic back in 2006 and have been going strong ever since. I may not be the greatest writer ever, but I do enjoy it, and if I can bring happiness, laughter, or even tears to someone through my writing, then I did my job. Writing is a release for me...a fantasy world if you will, and a great escape from the realities of the world. I'd love to spend all my time writing, but it doesn't pay the bills...and a little thing called work and real life keeps getting in the I have also recently gotten into the Adam 12 series as well. And have begun writing stories in that fandom, as well. Pete Malloy and Jim Reed made wonderful partners, and the show was a wonderful balance of humor and drama. I live in Southern New Jersey, at the Jersey Shore. I enjoy writing, watching my E! DVD's, and spending time listening to music and surfing the net. I had two wonderful greyhounds, Spencer and Lizzie...and they were both the loves of my life (no offense to my husband) Sadly, we had to put Spencer down in February of 2010 at the ripe old age of 14 1/2, and that June we had to put Lizzie down, as well, as she was suffering from accute kidney failure (she was 10). Both losses were sad, but I do believe that they are both in a better place right now, as they are no longer suffering. UPDATE: In mid-July of 2010 we adopted two more greyhounds. Two two-year old girls. They are sisters and are pretty and sweet girls. We named them Penny and Nikki. I don't have any kids, but being around them, I would say is much like being around toddlers...they are a handful but we love them. :o) The spirits of our two beloved dogs, Spencer and Lizzie continue to live on, but now we are blessed with two new girls. Thanks for reading my stories and I hope you enjoy them. "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it's because he hears a different drummer." Henry David Thoreau "If you see someone without a smile...give them one of yours." "Success comes before work only in the dictionary." "On a rainy day, we must make our own sunshine." Update: I just wanted to let tnose of you who do read my stories know that for now my writing efforts have largely stalled. Not sure when I'll get back to writing. If inspiration'll hear from me soon...if not... I would like to thank those who have read my stories and/or means a lot. If there is a story in progress that you particularly can let me know and I will see if the "writing fairies" are of any help. Take care and thank you. |