![]() Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, Glee, Charmed, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Be insane, because well behaved girls never made history. 14-07-11 Tonight at midnight, we depart on one last journey. We have grown with our best friends. We have laughed with them. Cried with them. Smiled with them. And now it is time for the final battle. It is the moment that our entire childhood has led to. Tonight we cross from childhood into adulthood with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Like those before us, we must not grow sad at the thought of leaving our innocence and childhood behind but instead look forward to the future. We must remember the adventures we experienced. The lessons we learned. The friends we made. Tonight, we will lose loved ones in the battle of good vs. evil. We will see the Hogwarts Express leave King's Cross Station for the last time tonight. This last journey will not be an easy one but it was well worth the wait. We must remember many things that we have learned with Harry. To love. To fight injustice. To persist. To be loyal. And that hogwarts will always be there to welcome us home. 14-07-11 --Naie Black
LET'S START THE REVIEW REVOLUTION COUNTER-REVOLUTION! I keep on seeing writers advertising the Review Revolution in their profiles, urging readers to review every story they read, but IMO this is a very bad idea. Consider what would happen if this were actually to become general practice. Firstly, even with the best will in the world the majority of stories on ffn are really not very good, and even the good ones often use themes or styles which appeal to a limited audience. Unless you stick only to authors you already know, it is inevitable that most of the stories you read, or at least partially read, will turn out to be ones you didn't like much. If it was compulsory to review these, most reviews would be either highly critical, or they would be lies. A fairly high proportion of authors throw a wobbly and attack anyone who leaves a critical review. If readers were compelled to review every story they looked at, either these aggressive writers would cease to be read at all, or they would be made miserable by constant criticism, or they would receive false praise just to keep them sweet. On the other hand, if reviewers were honest, and told bad authors what they really thought, they would damage and depress incompetent writers many of whom are in fact children, and who are having a bit of fun and not doing anybody any harm. These weak writers would be driven off ffn and would lose a source of harmless pleasure, and a venue in which they might have improved their skills. Secondly, at the moment, it is possible to use reviews to get a rough idea of whether a story is worth opening at all, or whether it is worth persevering with one you aren't too sure about. This works in three ways. 1) If a story has been up for weeks or months and still has significantly fewer reviews than chapters, it's probably not worth even opening, although it may still be worth looking at those few reviews to see what they say. 2) If a story attracts thoughtful, detailed reviews it's probably worth reading even if it only has a few reviewers. 3) If you can see that a story has been reviewed, and generally liked, by other readers who you already know have similar tastes to your own, then you know the story is probably going to be worth sticking with even if you didn't like the first chapter much. This is a great time-saver: it saves us from having to plough through pages of stuff we really don't want to bother with, in order to find a few gems. However, if everybody had to review every story they opened, reviews pages would be filled with hundreds of meaningless filler comments. It would not be possible to assess the likely quality of a story by how many reviews it received, nor to find the few thoughtful, informative reviews which might be buried in all the dross, nor to locate reviews written by other readers whose opinion you specifically want. The result will be that people who have limited time simply won't bother to open stories by unknown authors, and will stick only to writers they already know in advance that they will like. Thirdly, leaving reviews can be a time-consuming strain, especially if you are tired, and especially if you don't have anything pressing you really want to say about the story. I know that if I was compelled to review every story I read, I would simply read far fewer stories. Fourthly, if every reader left a review, it would destroy the social link between reader and writer, because it would become impossible for writers to reply to more than a tiny percentage of reviews and still have any time left for writing. Those authors who write popular multi-chapter stories which receive thousands of hits per chapter would be overwhelmed by an unending flood of filler comments, and would probably have to give up writing altogether. It would be nice if people who liked a story enough to add it to their favourites left a review at the same time. But as a writer, I would far rather receive five thoughtful reviews from people who really had something they wanted to say than several hundred from people who only commented because they felt obliged to. And finally, if everybody reviewed every story they read on ffn, it would fill up ffn's servers and cause the whole site to grind to a shuddering halt, and ffn would have to start charging us a subscription in order to buy more space. In short, then, the Review Revolution, were it to be generally adopted, would destroy the usefulness of the review system and render it meaningless. It would make reading stories a chore rather than a pleasure, resulting in an inevitable loss of readership, and it would make it harder for unknown new authors to attract readers. It would overload those conscientious authors who feel they should reply to all reviews, and leave them with no time actually to write; and those popular writers who receive thousands of hits would probably be forced to give up fanwriting altogether. And it would overload ffn's servers, and quite possibly bring about the end of the free fanfiction scene. Join the Review Counter-Revolution. Review if you have something to say and the energy and motivation to say it. If you liked a story enough to add it to your Favorites, try to make the effort to say why. But don't feel obliged to clog up ffn with white noise just for the sake of it, and don't turn reading fanfiction from a pleasure to a chore. It's meant to be fun. 05-28-12 There were other stories but I deleted them either because the plot was bad or the writing style was boring. Except Near To You, but I don't have the time to translate anymore. 08-09-13 My tumblr, where I'll post drabbles, short stories, character's profiles extras and outakes regarding my WIPs, especially T7C http:/// |