I've got a few questions for whoever's reading this. If you have any good answers... PM me: 1. Does anyone here have any friends that never stop looking at your favourite fanfictions? 2. Has anyone asked their Japanese teachers what yaoi, yuri, ero, uke, seme, dobe and teme means? Because I did and my teacher gave me the most boring answer. He didn't know! 3. Has anyone ever told a guy that bananas are good for period pain? It's so amusing to watch their face after u say it! XP I'll remeber the other ones I want to put on my profile but can't remember rihgt now. I believe that ducks are the most evil thing in the world!(next comes geese and than all other birds that aren't really cute) My fish are the cutest things in the world... I love them XP I am a girl despite popular belief. Recently I have found out that although I have brilliant ideas for fanfics I just don't have the motivation to carry them out. I don't want anyone else to write them for me because they won't make the story exactly as I want them to end up so sorry, I'm not putting out any challenge fics so yeah... Sometimes I scare myself with my wierdness but that's just normal. XP I absolutely hate Bella because... let's face it: SHE STOLE MY EDWARD! *sobs pitifully* (I'm joking... I hate them all) People I hate: Clairebear, Rachey, Voiler, Alla Chan, Charrie and Mai-ish (Jk! I love you all except for Voiler because she really does piss me off) |
Airsarsenitmsg (6) Ducks R Evil (5) eclipsed flower (8) | Farcraii (1) | hale-and-hearty (41) lijert1029 (0) |