Author has written 4 stories for Twilight. Hi! I'm a mom in her 30's with two boys. Read the Twilight Series in '09 and quickly became obsessed with all things Twilight. I was so happy when I discovered fan fiction. As well as writing, I love to read all kinds of ff. I also read tons of books in my free time. I enjoy writing in canon EPOV. The Ties That Bind, my BD EPOV was originally a one-shot that I broke into two chapters when I posted it at FanFiction. After reviews and encouragement I continued it and we are now on chapter 19! The response has been wonderful. I am so grateful to all my readers and reviewers. I also have another story, Reckoning at Dawn, which is Edward's POV when he discovers he has hurt Bella on Isle Esme. I have another one-shot called Twist the Knife, which is when Jacob shows Edward his memories of Bella when he had left her. Both of these one-shots are referenced in The Ties That Bind. You can also find me on Twilight under the penname NicoleLight. |
blondie AKA robin (15) Eowyn77 (41) | Justine Lark (29) | purelyromantic (7) ThexInvisiblexGirl (131) |